Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Dangers of the Single Season: Temptation to Live Like the World

For the introduction to this series on temptations faced by singles click here

Have you ever been to another country? I have been to a few and every time I am quickly reminded that I am in a place very different from home. The language, cultural icons, sights, and smells are all so different. 

In a similar way, we must realize that we Christians are not in our home country. We are strangers in this fallen world. Our citizenship is in heaven. Therefore, we are to live in this world, but we are to be strangers in it.  We are not to

love the world or the things in the world…for all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world (1 John 2:15-16).

“World,” in this passage, refers to the ways of thinking and acting which are in opposition to godly ways of thinking and behaving. So, we are not to love or embrace ways of thinking and living which are contrary to God’s Word. We are to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God rather than citizens of the domain of darkness. We are ambassadors, or representatives, of God to the world.

In the next several posts, we will consider two areas where all Christians, and especially unmarried Christians, are tempted to live in ways which contradict their true citizenship. The first is having a worldly perspective about relationships with members of the opposite sex. The second is the temptation towards sexual immorality.  

This is part of the series God, Singleness, and Marriage: How the Bible Gives Purpose and Direction to Singles. 

Copyright Ben Khazraee. You may share this article with others, but please direct them to this blog rather than posting the text to your own website, blog, etc. You may share printed copies with friends as long as you do not charge more than the cost of producing the copies.

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