Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Redeem the Time: A Challenge from Jonathan Edwards

Since you are on break from enforced thinking (that is college required thinking), let me encourage you to spend some time thinking about the direction of your life and how you might improve it for the glory of God and your happiness. Well, I'll let Jonathan Edwards do it through some of his resolutions.

Jonathan Edwards wrote 67 resolutions (guiding principles) for his life when he was in his early 20's. Here are just a couple related to the use of time and the goal of life. Perhaps you can think over them, find Scriptural support, and implement them into your mindset.


1. “Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God’s glory, and my own good … Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general.”

22.  “Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness, in the other world, as I possibly can, with all the power; might, vigor, and vehemence, yea violence, I am capable of, or can bring myself to exert, in any way that can be thought of.” [My editorial question for you, Ask yourself what will promote maximum happiness for the maximum duration? Is it not pursuing God?]


5. Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can.

52. I frequently hear persons in old age say how they would live, if they were to live their lives over again: Resolved, that I will live just so as I can think I shall wish I had done, supposing I live to old age.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

"When Has My Career Become an Idol?"

I view this blog as a place to occasionally post fresh thoughts, but I also view it as a place to curate some good things I stumble on that I think are helpful for young adults.

I listened to this episode of "Ask Pastor John" on the topic of work and idolatry. It is almost 12 minutes long (you can get it on your favorite podcast app and listen to it while you drive around).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Don't Overlook Fellowship Opportunities in College

This is the third post in the series "Your College Years Will Fly By".

I am continuing my series on not wasting your opportunities. Today’s post is on fellowship. Before I exhort you not to waste your opportunity, I should mention what fellowship is.

Fellowship involves Christians seeking to do spiritual good to one another and sharing life’s joys and struggles with one another. It is different than socializing in that it has a spiritual aim and foundation. It aims to spur each believer on to love, good deeds, and faithfulness. Its foundation is our common unity in Christ (which is why a Christian can and should love unbelieving neighbors, but there is no Christian fellowship there). I should point out that socializing works with fellowship in that socializing (talking about general and common life experiences) usually facilitates fellowship. It isn’t a replacement for fellowship (as if talking about who won the game is the same thing as fellowship). However, socializing isn’t unimportant either.

As young, unmarried adults, you have opportunities for a greater breadth of fellowship during this season of life. You will likely have more discretionary time than the “married with kids” demographic. I don’t mean to imply that you aren’t busy or that you don’t have serious work to do which consumes time and energy. You are likely very busy. All I mean is that your “free time” (however much you have) is likely discretionary (will you join this club, will you go to the football game, etc.). Whereas, a person who is married with kids has almost all of his or her free-time allocated. You might indeed stay up late working on papers, but you won’t have young kids waking up the next morning at the first sliver of dawning light to demand your attention. Perhaps you don’t have much discretionary time, but you likely have more energy than you will have in the future.

My point is that you should evaluate your opportunities to fellowship and maximize them for your good as well as that of others. Be broad in those you fellowship with. Try to be intentional at church to speak with older and younger people and to do them spiritual good. Hang out with the young families on the playground after Sunday evening service. Go to a Bible study to learn the Word with fellow believers and to pray with one another. Make time to socialize with fellow Christians so that you can more easily and naturally have spiritual fellowship.

Every stage of life should be marked by Christian fellowship. And in every stage of life there will always appear to be good reasons why you don’t have time for it. The temptation, especially in a Bible-centered church, is to see fellowship as simply a nice add-on. In otherwords, I come and hear the Bible, but I don’t have time to socialize and fellowship. Fight against this way of thinking. Develop the habit (the discipline) of fellowship now while you have a bit more energy and (perhaps) time. And when you grow older, don’t forsake it.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Don't Waste Your Evangelism Opportunities in College

This is the second post in the series "Your College Years Will Fly By"

Here is my syllogism:
·       Every Christian must be involved in “making disciples,” which includes sharing the gospel with unbelievers.
·       Each stage of life brings some unique evangelistic opportunities. 
·       Therefore, be a good steward with your opportunities, for they will never be exactly the same in the future

Every Christian should evangelize

Jesus commanded his disciples to make disciples of all the nations. They “make disciples” (or followers of Jesus) by sharing the gospel message (Mark 1:15), exemplifying Christian love for fellow Christians (John 13:35), and letting the Lord give new life (John 3). The point is, every believer has a role to play. We know that this is true because the promise in the Great Commission is that Jesus will be with his followers until the end of the age to empower them in ministry. Therefore the ministry must endure past the original disciples to the end of the age.

Each stage of life brings some unique (and some similar) opportunities

For example, a young mom who is at home with her kids will have opportunities to evangelize her children, other moms she spends time around, her hairstylist, etc. Some of these are unique opportunities (her children) while others are more common (hairstylist).

You, as a young and single adult, will likely not have as many opportunities in the realm of evangelizing your children (but you could evangelize children through a ministry).  All I am saying is that there is usually a unique “people group” you can reach now that you will likely not have as direct access to in the future.

So, don’t waste the particular opportunities you have now. What doors are open for young adults? For those who are students, you have more direct contact with college students. These young men and women are at a phase of life in which they are trying to formulate convictions about their purpose, why the world is as it is, and where everything is going. That is a unique opportunity in terms of evangelism. 

Beyond that, young, unmarried adults often have a greater number of exchanges with people during the day. Between work and school, you are around large numbers of different folks. Being around more people, especially at a secular university, means you also have contact with a wider variety of people. Not merely in terms of numbers but in terms of worldviews and nationalities. You in a stage in life in which it takes less extra and intentional effort to break out of the silos of being around people that are mostly “just like you.”

Therefore, be a good steward

What a tremendous set of circumstances to minister in! What opportunities to make Jesus Lordship and grace known. So, don’t waste these unique opportunities. The same goes for “the rest of us.” We have unique opportunities that are unique if we open our eyes and love our neighbors.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Your College Years Will Fly by: Don't Waste the Opportunities

Each stage of life has unique opportunities and challenges. Our fallen human nature often leads us to always look forward or backward rather than to enjoy and use what we have in the here and now. Your college or young adult years are no exception.

Wise is the person who takes stock in each season of life. Evaluating the opportunities and adjusting things in your life to accommodate new responsibilities is essential but often overlooked. If you don't evaluate how to play to each season's opportunities and responsibilities, you will likely look back with extra regret as you get older.

These are the years in which your ability to think and reason is blooming. Your body is usually healthy and full of energy (despite how tired you often are). Your schedule is full, but you have fewer responsibilities than you will have in the future if you get married and have kids. You likely have a broader array of relationships through your connections at school, work, and social engagements. The question is, how can you maximize the opportunities you have to foster your own growth in Christ, the good of the church family, and the good of unsaved neighbors.

So, I want to spend a few posts on this topic. I specifically want to encourage you to think of the opportunities you have in the areas of (1) evangelism, (2) discipleship, and (3) spiritual growth. Take some time to think of your unique opportunities in your current stage of life (this exercise works well no matter what stage you are at).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

For Your Own Soul, Plan to Join a Church in College

A LifeWay Research study showed that 66% young adults who regularly attended church in high school stopped regularly attending church for at least 1 year between the ages of 18-22.1 Many factors might contribute to that trend.  For my purpose, I want to address the issue of those who are genuine believers and heading off to college who are a bit neutral on the importance of being regularly with the church.  There are two main things I want to say to those in that category.

First, joining a church body is healthy for your soul.  

One reason is that it is how the Lord will work to keep you trusting in him.  Hebrews 3:12-14 states, 
Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. 13 But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.
What is the way we avoid being hardened by the lies of sin?  How do we recognize that the allure of the flesh and world are dead-ends when they look so promising?  By exhorting one another every day.  In other words, the means by which God sovereignly preserves us from spiritual destruction is by giving us a desire to regularly be with the family of God.  Don't resist that desire, instead cultivate it.

Another reason it is healthy for your soul is that you were made to function in the family and body of Jesus.  Think of how often the New Testament speaks of Christians as "brothers and sisters."  This is not just a verbal tick.  It is a reminder that we have a bond with fellow believers that requires family loyalty and love towards one another.  It is in this social context that we do the work of Christian love and community.  We meet needs. We encourage one another.  We correct one another. We rejoice with one another.  We weep with one another.  This all happens as we are around one another and in the body with Jesus as our head. 

All of this entails membership in the family or body of Christ.  Just as no family member or body part is only loosely connected, so, too, no believer is to remain loosely connected to the church (i.e., anonymous, uninvolved, or uncommitted).  What if your liver suddenly decided it didn't want to be connected to the rest of the body or that it was too busy to do its part?  Each member is made to function together.

Second, make a plan to attend and join a church.

This is the second main thing I want to say.  Many genuine Christians come to college with ideas of joining a church, but then life happens.  They get busy, and they establish new habits which don't include regularly gathering with the church family.  It is not unusual for me to meet a college student who is a senior, and who tells me that he had planned to join a church.  Here it is 3 years later, and he is just now following through.  He regrets the wasted time.  How many corrections, encouragements, and family meals (communion) he missed?  How many opportunities to do good to the household of faith were announced that he never heard?  I am glad these students desire to reunite with their spiritual family, even it is a bit late in the game.  So, if you are in this category, it's not too late, even if it is later than you planned. As they say, "better late than never."

A quick word on habits.  Habits are intentional and regular practices used to direct our lives to the things we value most.  They are more than good intentions.  When you move for school or find that you can set up new habits, be thoughtful.  List what God wants your life directed towards.  Then add other things that you desire.  After that, plan practices which will lead your life towards these goals.  This takes mental effort and self-discipline.  You won't coast into good habits.  If you want to be an excellent musician, you must plan and discipline yourself.  You must develop practices to direct your life towards that end.  As a Christian, you will want to be like Christ and to love and serve his church - the ones he loves.  So, make gathering with the church a regular habit!

1. The question was asked, "Did you stop attending church regularly (twice a month or more) for at least a year between the ages of 18 and 22?"  (This was asked to young adults age 23-30 who attend protest church consistently for at least 1 year in high school).

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Responsibilities of a Church Member: Exercise Humility to Maintain Unity

In Philippians chapter 2, Paul writes
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

Paul is happy if the church at Phillipi is unified in their thinking and love. He does not mean that they would be cookie-cutter Christians. He doesn't intend for all of them to think the exact same way about everything. What does he mean?
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus... (Philippians 2:3-5)

He wants them to have a mindset of humility. The thinking that unites them is a humble mindset - a Christlike mindset. 

As church members, we are responsible to exercise humility.  Humility is like a muscle.  You apply it every time you put the interests of others ahead of yourself.  So, if you want to grow in humility, you need to look for opportunities to serve others and prefer them. 

Practically, when the church has an event that you'd prefer not to attend, perhaps you should see it as an opportunity to exercise humility.  Prefer the other believers who you will be able to see, encourage, and serve.  When another believer talks about something you are not interested in at a fellowship dinner, after service, or at a Bible study, you can exercise your humility muscles by disciplining yourself to listen.   You can attend a Bible study or fellowship event even if your best friend won't be there because you aren't thinking first of yourself, but primarily of how you can encourage others.

How do you motivate such thinking, though?  The best way to facilitate humility is to put on Christ's mindset as your own.  Philippians 2:5-8 tells us to do this.  It mentions that Christ put himself below others to bring them up.  He did not hold on to his rights and prerogatives.  He was willing to lay them aside to serve others.  You might think you have the right to avoid relating to difficult people.  But the mindset of Christ doesn't leave room for that.  So, think about Christ and his humbling himself by becoming a man and then dying on the cross for you.  Then incorporate that mindset into your thoughts towards the church. If Christ wasn't too good for it, then neither are we.

Related to this, you can make progress in this sort of unifying humility by thinking of the church as your family.  You can remind yourself that this is your brother or sister in Christ, one for whom Christ died.  Just think of how often the Scripture speaks of Christians as "brothers and sisters."  Just like a family, we don't put our own needs and desires ahead of others.  Instead, we look to serve the interests of others.

I'll bring this to a close, but think of how many areas of church life this principle affects.  Song selection (the older like this...the young like this...both prefer the other), what type of events are planned, how we use our time, etc. Humility promotes unity in every area of church life.  So, let's exercise humility. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Free Ebook - "12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You"

Crossway is offering Tony Reinke's book 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You for free (well, you have to do a brief online survey - there is no such thing as a free lunch).  Here is the link to the survey.

If you haven't read this book, I encourage you to make time to read it.  It is insightful, helpful, and full of wisdom.  Reinke applies biblical principles to technology usage in a way that is humble and not legalistic. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

"An Open Letter to the Church on Singleness"

Sam Alberry has a short, helpful letter (at crossway.org) reminding us why the Bible's teaching on singleness is important for the whole church to be aware of.

His three reasons are

  1. The Bible's teaching on singleness is given to the whole church (1 Cor. 7)
  2. Most who are married will one day be single again prior to heaven
  3. The local church is a body. 
It is this last point that is most helpful. He writes,
We’re a body. So what happens to some of us, therefore, affects all of us. When I stub my toe, it is not just my toe that suffers, I suffer. If some of us in the church are struggling, it hurts all of us. We’re invested in one another, therefore I need to know what the Christian life is like for you in your situation, and you need to know what it’s like for me in mine.
He goes on to say that this implies that singles ought to be concerned about healthy marriages and married folks ought to be concerned about seeing healthy singleness in the church family.  

He is right in writing this.  The metaphor of the church being a body indicates the need for a common concern and investment in the lives of one another.  Marriage and singleness are not who we are, but our marital status is a significant experience and provides direction for how we will honor Christ. 

May God grant us to have genuine love, fellowship, and humility so that we might know one another and spur one another on in the faith.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Funerals "Becoming a Relic," But Death is Not

A few weeks ago, I preached on Psalm 49 and entitled the sermon "Everyone Dies, Even You." Kind of gloomy, but it is a reality. Shortly after that, Doug saw an article from the Washington Post Style Section entitled, "The funeral as we know it is becoming a relic — just in time for a death boom."

Karen Heller writes that
"end-of-life ceremonies are being personalized: golf-course cocktail send-offs, backyard potluck memorials, more Sinatra and Clapton, less 'Ave Maria,' more Hawaiian shirts, fewer dark suits. Families want to put the 'fun” in funerals.' 
In fact, Heller begins with an example of a"Memorialpalooza" for a famous person who recently died. The party at a renowned theater with gift bags, baseball hats, a famous hotdog cart, and stand up comedy.

As Christians, we must think, live, and die in line with the truth.

The truth is that while funerals and dirges become "relics," death does not. Heller points out the reality of death when she writes, "Baby boomers, despite strenuous efforts to stall the aging process, are not getting any younger. In 2030, people over 65 will outnumber children, and by 2037, 3.6 million people are projected to die in the United States, according to the Census Bureau, 1 million more than in 2015, which is projected to outpace the growth of the overall population." No change in how we mark death will change the reality of dying.

The truth is that death is an enemy and sad reminder of the brokenness of the world. Christians should, like Jonathan Edwards, resolve "to think much on all occasions of my own dying, and of the common circumstances which attend death." We recognize death is a reality, but this doesn't mean we celebrate death. It is an enemy. We don't celebrate the death of another person with entertainment that is designed to distract from the brutal reality of death. Of course, in the case of a Christian who dies, we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We grieve, but with a profound sense of confidence and even a subdued joy. Confidence because death is a defeated enemy for the Christian. Joy because to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

When our culture tries to ignore death, we must remind them that it is a reality and one which ought to call them to do some soul- and truth-searching. Why do we die? Why are we alive? Such existential questions must be faced head-on. Instead, many in our culture push aside such questions with entertainment in life and, now, in funerals. As Christians, we answer big questions based on what God has revealed in his Word. Death is an enemy. It will remove all that you set your hope in unless your God is your shepherd.

Psalm 49
Hear this, all peoples!
    Give ear, all inhabitants of the world,
2 both low and high,
    rich and poor together!
3 My mouth shall speak wisdom;
    the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.
4 I will incline my ear to a proverb;
    I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre.

5 Why should I fear in times of trouble,
    when the iniquity of those who cheat me surrounds me,
6 those who trust in their wealth
    and boast of the abundance of their riches?
7 Truly no man can ransom another,
    or give to God the price of his life,
8 for the ransom of their life is costly
    and can never suffice,
9 that he should live on forever
    and never see the pit.

10 For he sees that even the wise die;
    the fool and the stupid alike must perish
    and leave their wealth to others.
11 Their graves are their homes forever,
    their dwelling places to all generations,
    though they called lands by their own names.
12 Man in his pomp will not remain;
    he is like the beasts that perish.

13 This is the path of those who have foolish confidence;
    yet after them people approve of their boasts.[b] Selah
14 Like sheep they are appointed for Sheol;
    death shall be their shepherd,
and the upright shall rule over them in the morning.
    Their form shall be consumed in Sheol, with no place to dwell.
15 But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol,
    for he will receive me. Selah

16 Be not afraid when a man becomes rich,
    when the glory of his house increases.
17 For when he dies he will carry nothing away;
    his glory will not go down after him.
18 For though, while he lives, he counts himself blessed
    —and though you get praise when you do well for yourself—
19 his soul will go to the generation of his fathers,
    who will never again see light.
20 Man in his pomp yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"Hope for Lousy Evangelists"

As we approach our focused celebration of the resurrection, we might find more opportunities to share the gospel. I found this podcast episode  "On Overcoming Fear in Personal Evangelism" to be encouraging. It is from the "Pastor's Talk" podcast (by 9Marks), but it is not aimed mainly at pastors.

Here is the description of the episode:
As Christians, we know we should share the gospel, but many of us feel discouraged—either about our lack of evangelism, or the lack of fruit from our evangelism. What can we do about this? Where can we lousy evangelists find hope?

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Methods of Meditation

Meditation can sound quite mystical to some people. Biblical meditation is, as Don Whitney puts it, "deep thinking on truths and spiritual realities revealed in Scripture for the purposes of understanding, application, and prayer” (Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 48). The question is, how do we do this deep thinking?

Below is a list of some methods and practices that might help you slow down, read carefully, and think deeply about what you see in God's Word. There is nothing magical in these methods. They are simply ways to help you meditate. Click here for a downloadable pdf version.

Methods of Meditating on Scripture
An adapted summary of the methods of meditation on Scripture taught by Don Whitney

1. Repeat the verse or phrase with emphasis on a different word each time (reflect on what each word adds to the meaning and possible applications).

Whatever He says to you do it (John 2:5).
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.
Whatever He says to you do it.

2. Rewrite the verse or phrase in your own words.
3. Look for applications of this text – what should you do in response to it?
4. Formulate a principle from the text.
5. Pray through the text.
6. Ask the Philippians 4:8 questions.

What is true or what truth does it exemplify?
What is lovely about it?
What is honorable about it?
What is admirable or commendable about it?
What is right about it?
What is excellent about it?
What is pure or how does it exemplify purity?
What is praiseworthy about it?

7. Ask the “Joseph Hall” questions [abbreviated by me].

What is it (define and/or describe what it is)?
What are its qualities and attachments?
What are its divisions or parts?
What is contrary, contradictory or different to it?
What causes it?
What compares to it?
What does it cause (its fruits and effects)?
What are the testimonies or examples of Scripture about it?

8. Discover a minimum number of insights into the text (set the number in advance).
9. Find a link or common thread between all the chapters of paragraphs you’ve read.

A few additional methods I’ve used over the years
1. Write out each phrase of the verse separately and spend time making your own “commentary” on it, including word meanings, logical connections, applications, questions you have, etc.

2. Write a poem reflecting the beautiful truth you observed in the passage (your poem might not be great, but it is an expression of the beauty you see and experience). Ex. You might do this with the “I am” statements of Jesus. Study them in depth. Then write a poem expressing one facet of the reality.

3. Write out the verse in a way that attempts to show its structure (main points and supporting points). You might also use spacing, underlines, capital letters, and various colors to emphasize things.

Isaiah 41:10

                For I am with you;
                For I am your God
                I will  strengthen you
                I will  help            you
                I will  uphold       you
                                With my righteous right hand

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Warm Yourself at the Fire of Meditation

Why do we often leave our time of Bible reading just as spiritually dull as when we first sat down? I suppose there are several possible answers to that question.* For now, I want to consider one such reason. Thomas Watson captured it well when he wrote, "The reason we come away so cold from reading the word is, because we do not warm ourselves at the fire of meditation” (Quoted by Don Whitney in Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 49). Let me define meditation and then come back to consider Watson's point.

What is meditation? I found Don Whitney's definition helpful. Meditation is "deep thinking on truths and spiritual realities revealed in Scripture for the purposes of understanding, application, and prayer” (Whitney, 48).  Meditation is not an emptying of the mind but a filling of it with God's thoughts which we find in his Word. And this takes mental effort. We must think deeply about what we read. The goal of all this is being made happy in the Lord as we know more of him and his ways and apply what we read. We don't want to be those who simply glance into the mirror of God's truth and walk away. Instead, we want to stare into it intently and deal with the problems it reveals in us (James 1:22-25).

Watson's illustration of warming ourselves at the fire of meditation is thus an apt illustration. If I read the Bible, I might just walk past what it says. Like a person walking past a blazing fireplace in the winter, I feel the warmth, but I am not warmed by it. I am not defrosted. Meditation is sitting in front of the fireplace on a freezing morning and letting the warmth of God's word penetrate the whole body. It works the warmth of the word into the bones.

So, if you find yourself leaving your Bible reading with a spiritual dullness, perhaps the solution is making time to meditate on the Word. Maybe you add 10 minutes to your morning devotional time to do this. If you can't prioritize an extra 10 minutes, perhaps you substitute 10 minutes of your reading the Bible for 10 minutes of meditating.

The point is, we need to not only read the Bible but to enjoy the sweetness of God's word. We want to say with the happy Psalmist, "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Ps 119:103). And this will only happen as we meditate on Scripture. "Reading Scripture is like collecting pollen. Meditating on it is like making honey" (Bruce Waltke quoted by Kelly Kapic in A Little Book for New Theologians, p 118). To elaborate on this illustration, Thomas Brooks wrote, "It’s not the bee’s touching of the flower which gathers honey—but her abiding for a time upon the flower, which draws out the sweet. It’s not he who reads most—but he who meditates most, who will prove the choicest, sweetest, wisest, and strongest Christian." If we don't make time to meditate, then we won't leave refreshed.

I'll plan to post some suggested methods of meditation (all borrowed of course) to help you get some ideas of how to meditate effectively. So, be on the lookout for that.

*Other reasons for leaving our time of reading the Bible with a spiritual dullness could include things like: Not being a child of God, being physically exhausted, not being a good reader, walking in unrepentant sin, etc.. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

CS Lewis on Pride

In God, you come up against something which is in every respect immeasurably superior to yourself. Unless you know God as that - and, therefore, know yourself as nothing in comparison - you do not know God at all. As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.

CS Lewis in Mere Christianity, quoted by Kelly Kapic in A Little Book for New Theologians, pg. 73.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Prayer to Glorify God in Your Work

Last night we looked at the two ditches of laziness / procrastination and anxious toil. We said God calls us not so much to balance but to faithfulness in all the areas of life he has given us responsibility in. Here is a portion of a prayer from Calvin that you might make your own today as you try to apply what we learned:
O grant that we may bear in mind our office and our calling, and sincerely devote ourselves to Thy service, and so present to Thee our efforts and our labors that they name may be truly glorified in us, and that it may really appear that we have been engrafted into the body of Thine only begotten Son.
Lifting up Our Hearts: 150 Selected Prayers from John Calvin, Ed. by Dusting W. Benge, pg. 211. In the context he is praying that we would fulfill our royal as a "royal priesthood" of believers who represent God and serve him.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

"The Culture of Death Lurches Forward..."

The Senate failed to pass a bill that would protect babies born alive after botched abortion attempts. I encourage you to listen to Al Mohler's podcast "the Briefing"  from today (2/26/19). Listen to the section entitled, "The culture of death lurches forward: Senate fails to pass legislation that would protect the lives of children born alive."

He brings up some very good points. I'll summarize one here. Some Democrats argued that the law was unnecessary because, "Its proponents claim it would make something illegal that is already illegal” (Senator Patty Murray, see the Washington Post Article). If that is the case, then why does it matter if the law passes? If we all agree it is wrong to kill a baby who is born alive (infanticide), then what does one more law matter? The truth is that these senators do believe this law is an addition. The evidence is in the rest of Senator Murray's words. After what I quoted above, she goes on to say that the law would "do nothing except help Republicans advance their goal of denying women their constitutionally protected rights.” So which is it? Is it just a redundant law? Or is it something which might limit the right of a woman to end the life of her baby? In a day and age when a governor (of Virginia) publically states that a baby born alive would be made comfortable while the mother and doctor discuss if she wants her baby to receive life-sustaining medical care, laws like this don't seem too redundant.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

"The Struggle for Love" Sermon

I taught the "Genesis" Sunday school class this past Sunday. I was talking about it with Beth and she mentioned a good sermon by Tim Keller on the passage which I listened to and benefited from. I referenced it in my handout, but here is a link to it in case you weren't there and want to listen to it.

It deals with Jacob and his messed up relationships. Keller provides keen insight into the desires of the human heart from the Scripture. I hope you'll cue this one up on your list of things to listen to this week.


Also, I am not sure how you get your podcast or organize what you will listen to, but I have benefited from pocketcast. I got the paid version and can speed up things (which is nice...though you can't speed Keller up too much).

Also part 2, Grace Church has a podcast where we (Larry does it so thank him) post our sermon and some Sunday school media in case you miss a week and want to catch up.  Just search Grace Church of Tallahassee to find it.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Responsibilities of a Church Member: Relate Properly to Your Pastors

This might seem a bit self-serving. A pastor writing to say that members in the church out to relate properly to their pastors. So, is it self-serving? 

It is for Your Advantage

Hebrews 13:7 says,
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.
The idea is that there is an advantage to rightly relating to your pastors. Even more specifically, to obeying and submitting to them. If your following them is characterized by godly submission, it will bring them joy rather than frustration and be an advantage to your soul. Pastors that don't have to spend excessive time dealing with unruly sheep can better shepherd the flock so that they thrive rather than merely survive. If all the pastor's work is remedial, it is impossible to build up the body and help you make progress in your knowledge and obedience to God. 

What Does it Mean to Obey and Submit?

To submit is to voluntarily place yourself under their authority and leadership. To be clear, the pastor's authority is the Word of God. So your submission to your pastor is governed by your submission to God. No human authority, which has delegated authority, ever supersedes God's authority in a person's life. So, if you pastor says to lie about something, you say, "You know I can't love you and God if I do that. I must obey God." 

Obeying your pastors doesn't mean
  1. You can't ask questions
  2. You follow them into sin
  3. They have authority over you in areas in which the Bible gives no doctrine or practice to observe. 
Let me give an example of the last point. You do not need to paint your house a specific color because your pastor says you should. Rod might say, "I like salmon for that front door, so paint it that color." You could, and should(?), rightly say, "Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm going to paint it white."  Now, if you decided to spray paint derogatory words towards your neighbor on the side of your house, your pastor rightly has the authority to tell you that Scripture requires you to remove them (of course there would be a further dialogue about what is going on in your heart and how to repent). 

The Goodness of Authority 
In a world that seems to have no concept of good authority, notions of authority and submission are quickly dismissed as power grabs and domination. However, in practice, we all know that authority exercised for the good of others is a great blessing. For example, children receiving the instruction and discipline of a godly parent keeps them from dying young and forms the training grounds which will enable them to grow into mature adulthood rather than out-of-control, self-destructive animals. 

God has designed it so that almost every person will be in positions of both authority and submission. We ought to exercise our authority with humility and the fear of God, knowing we must give an account to him. And we ought to submit to proper authorities with humility and trust in God knowing that we and those in authority will have to answer to God. 

When Authority is Abused

Sadly, in a fallen world authority does get abused. Jesus warned his followers not to be like the ungodly who often exercised power for their own gain (Mark 10:42-43). In addition, the elder qualifications prohibit a man from serving as an elder if he is "arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain," etc. (see Titus 1). 

We are given instructions for how to handle a pastor who is abusing his authority. Matthew 18 outlines church discipline and 1 Timothy 5:20 says that if an elder persists in sin, he should be rebuked in the presence of the church. 

A Church Member Submits to His or Her Pastors

So, as a church member, you are voluntarily placing yourself under a specific set of pastors. You can disagree at times and ask questions. But, be sure to submit to them. They must give an account to God for the state of your soul. Don't resist their leadership when they are godly men who are seeking your spiritual wellbeing and God's glory. If necessary, confront them in biblical ways. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"5 Myths about Abortion"

This week is the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Perhaps you will have opportunities to speak on behalf of the weakest, most vulnerable members of our society. Here is a helpful article over at crossway from Scott Klusendorf entitled "5 Myths about Abortion" which might help.

Here are the myths he tackles (you should read the article for the answers):

  1. Myth #1: Christian pro-lifers impose religious arguments on a pluralistic society and thus violate the separation of church and state.
  2. Myth #2: Men have no moral authority to speak on abortion.
  3. Myth #3: The only way to end abortion is to preach the gospel because outside of Jesus, pro-life arguments make no sense to unbelievers.
  4. Myth #4: Pro-life advocates must take on a broader “whole life” agenda to legitimize their efforts.
  5. Myth #5: The call of the church is not social issues like abortion, but discipleship.

If anyone is willing to read his book, Stand for Life: A Students Guide for Making the Case, Saving Lives let me know and I'll get you a free copy (the catch is you have to agree to read it within the next 30 days). 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Are You Glorifying Jesus in Your Desire for Marriage?

John Piper deals with this issue on the most recent episode of The Ask Pastor John podcast entitled "Why is God Withholding Marriage from Me?".

Below are his main points and a few quotes.

The desire for marriage is in proper perspective when:

1. It is desired for Christ's sake. 

"St. Augustine prayed, “He loves thee too little, O God, who loves anything together with thee which he loves not for thy sake.” He knew from the Bible that it is not wrong to desire food, or drink, or clothes, or friends, or knowledge, or health, or safety, or marriage. It’s not wrong to desire that. And he wrestled with the question, When do these legitimate desires become sin? And his answer was that they become sin when they’re not for Christ’s sake."

2. The desire is shaped by faith. 

3. The desire does not result in cynicism and bitterness. 

"I think sorrow at the loss of innocent desires is not sin, not unless the sorrow overwhelms godly joy and sours into cynicism and bitterness and drags a single person into isolation and sin rather than friendship and service."

4. The desire does not diminish zeal to glorify God in singleness. 

"He [Paul]  loved partnership, he loved friendship, he loved people. He needed people. But he wished everyone could have the freedom of singleness for ministry that he had (1 Corinthians 7:7)."

5. Marriage is not seen as the key to happiness. 

"Let your desire for marriage be tempered and kept in proper perspective by this. Marriage is a temporary covenant, just as full of sorrows as singleness is, and pointing to a heavenly covenant, that single and married we enjoy."

6. That desire doesn't keep you from enjoying the family of God in your church, which is the family that will last forever.