Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How You Can Help Women and Unborn Children

We just passed the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision which made the right to end the life of an unborn child, without due process, a constitutional right. From 1973 - 2014, there have been approximately 59,000,000 unborn children whose lives have been ended while in the warmth of their mother's womb in the U.S. In Florida, there about 76,000 abortions in 2014 (almost enough to fill up all the seats in Doak Campbell Stadium). That represents enormous human destruction and suffering among women and children.

How can you help women in crisis and the weakest among us? That depends on your giftings, abilities, and opportunities. However, all of us can be involved somehow.  Here are a few ways you might consider.


Every Christian can pray that God would defend the weak, oppressed, and fatherless. Pray that he would use his church to not only save babies but to work new birth into the lives of the men and women who believe that ending the life of their unborn children is the only solution to the troubles they face.

Volunteer at a Pregnancy Center

There are three pregnancy centers in Tallahassee. These centers have caring men and women who counsel with fathers and mothers who need a compassionate ear and help to find solutions to their problems as well as a bigger perspective on their situation. These centers help women with tangible needs, parenting skills, free ultra-sounds, referrals for various types of assistance, and spiritual needs. They need volunteer counselors, ultrasound technicians, nurses, secretaries, baby supplies, etc. You might also participate in the Walk for Life to help fundraise for one of the pregnancy centers. For more information about this, email me (ben@gcot.org)

Serve with Speak for the Unborn

Our church has a local chapter of this ministry which aims to bring the gospel of hope to men and women as they stand on the ledge, contemplating whether or not there is any other hope besides ending the life of their unborn baby boy or girl. We stand outside the abortion clinic in Tallahassee with welcoming signs and care packets calling out to those entering and leaving the clinic. Our goal is to offer a glimpse of hope First, to those considering abortion. We want to help them step back and ask them to consider all their options with the help of others in our church or at a pregnancy center. We also seek to offer hope to those who have already ended the life of their baby by pointing them to their need and God's mercy in the gospel. For more information check out our website or the Speak for the Unborn national site.

Be Ready to Dialogue with Friends

You may have friends who will face an unexpected pregnancy. Be ready to offer a listening ear and to help them and direct them to others who can help. Also, be ready to engage with others who are not in a crisis situation but who have different viewpoints on the issue of abortion. Be able to make the case for life. If you feel like you are not equipped, why not read a short book like Stand for Life

Engage in Public Policy

Some of you may be in a role of government that allows you to help shape public policy and laws. The government exists to protect the innocent. Perhaps God will give you a role in this. Indirectly, we can write to our representatives and senators asking them to support pro-life legislation.

Consider Adoption

Consider if adoption is something God might have for your family one day. Based on my research, there is not a huge need at this point for families to adopt babies (there is a great need for foster parents and those able to adopt older children from the foster system). There are more people waiting to adopt than there are babies to be adopted in the U.S. But we should always be ready to care for the fatherless, especially if a courageous young mother decides to protect her baby's life but knows that the best thing for her baby is for her to sacrificially place her little boy or girl into another family to raise him or her. If a woman is willing to make such a sacrifice, there must be some Christians who are able to meet that need (all of us can't, but some of us must).

After 45 years, there is still a pro-life movement

You might check out this video of Russell Moore talking about why we can be hopeful about the pro-life movement. He also has a great book called Adopted for Life

Why We Can Be Hopeful about the Pro-Life Movement from Crossway on Vimeo.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Prayer App

Last Sunday I preached on Psalm 86 "In My Day of Trouble, I Call upon You." It is a Psalm that is 100% prayer. I learned, from studying the Psalm, that humility is really the key to getting on in praying more regularly and biblically. If you are driving back to Tallahassee and need something to listen to, maybe you could listen to the sermon (if you didn't know we do have the sermons set up on apple and andriod podcasts).

The "extra" thing I wanted to mention here is that I have found an app called "prayermate" to be a helpful tool in keeping my prayer requests organized. To be clear, an app won't make us pray more or more faithfully. Only humility and a trust in God's sovereign goodness will do that. But, tools can be helpful. So, if you are inclined, check it out.

A concluding prayer from Psalm 86:11
Teach me your way, O Lord,
    that I may walk in your truth;
    unite my heart to fear your name.