Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Responding to Pro-Abortion Arguments: SLED

This past Sunday I preached on Psalm 10 (click here for the sermon resource page and search for "The sorrow of injustice and oppression". I could not help but make application to the issue of abortion as this is the biggest form of oppression in the United States in our lifetime. I pray God gives us courage and resolve to pray and act on behalf of the innocent and weak. He will avenge, but we are to put his love on display by rescuing from the hand of the oppressor.

There are several ways we can and should be involved. Obviously prayer and sharing the gospel. I would also add that we should support pregnancy centers with our money and time. Not all can volunteer or even have money to give, but perhaps more of us would have money and time to give if we gave more sacrificially.

One thing I mentioned (briefly) as I was making the case that abortion takes innocent life is the SLED response to pro-abortion arguments. I did not come up with this, but found it helpful in responding to many of the arguments people make in attempts to "prove" that a baby in the womb is not a human life worthy of protection.


The argument is made that the fetus is small and therefore not a human life (or at least not worthy of protection). However, if we carried this argument to its logical conclusion than my 1 year old son is not as deserving of life or protection as I am because he is much smaller than I am.

Level of Development

Closely related is the argument that a fetus is not human life because he is not as developed as a baby out of the womb. Again, if we carry this argument to its logical end, that is if level of development determines worth, than my 1 year old son is not as developed as my 4 year old and therefore not worthy of life. Or, a mentally handicapped adult would not be as worthy of life as a child with a higher level of mental development.


Another argument is that the child can not be considered a life (or one worthy of protection by the state) because he is inside his mother. But, does a few inches of space (from inside to outside the womb) actually mean that this is not a person worthy of respect? Does your value change when you walk from one room to another? Or is it true that the baby isn't its own person because it is in the mother's womb? It has its own DNA from the moment of conception (that is a medical fact).

Degree of Dependency

Finally, it is often argued that because the baby is dependent on his mother's body, she can do what she wants with him. We should not that a woman always gives birth to a human child. So, we are not talking about a "clump of cells" in her body. From conception this is a human being. Small? Yes. But a different level of development is not to be confused with a different "kind" of being. And just because this little person is dependent on his mama for life doesn't mean she can do what she wants to him. That doesn't work with a new born does it? The baby is still dependent on his mom, but she can't decide to end his life. No, an unborn child is dependent on his mom at a level appropriate to his level of development and this does not make him less of human or less worthy of protection by the state (after all if you let your new born starve the state takes issue with that).

At the end of the day, this is not an issue of rationality. As a people, we have suppressed the truth in unrighteousness. We want what we want and we will not let anyone (no matter how weak) get in our way.

So, let us weep, share the gospel, and employ reason.  Let us speak to the conscience and, as Russell Moore says, proclaim that clinical privacy laws will not provide a hiding place before the judgment bar of God's court. Sin is not rational, and it only exists when we have no fear of God. So let's pray that God will instill a fear of his coming judgment and open blinded eyes to see the glory of salvation in Jesus Christ.

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