Thursday, July 30, 2015

Finding a "Good Thing:" Moving towards Marriage

Moving towards Marriage
If the relationship is progressing in a healthy, God-honoring way, then you should be moving towards the goal of marriage. Don’t drag things on needlessly. Make a commitment.

You may be fearful of committing. You might wonder if a better person may come along. Let me challenge you to evaluate your thinking. Are you being self-centered in this thought? If this person is a godly man or woman who is your friend and cares about your well-being, what else do you need? Our culture has given us the idea that we must find “the one.” The idea is that there is one person with whom we will experience some amazing chemistry. But, when you look to Scripture you see nothing about “the one” or about “chemistry.” You simply see Christians loving and serving one another. 

Don’t misunderstand. I am not saying you should move into engagement and marriage if there are major red flags in the relationship. Major sin patterns and ungodliness will not change with marriage. Additionally, I am not saying you must marry someone you do not want to marry. You should have a desire to be a husband or wife to this individual.  Deal with major issues, but if there are not any, and you desire to marry this person, then move towards marriage.

Men, this is again the place for you to exercise leadership. Don’t wait for writing in the sky or some sign from God. Ask others who know you and her well to help you evaluate things. If they do not have any biblical reasons for you to put off marriage, then move forward. Ask her to marry you and if she says, “Yes!,” then pursue premarital counseling from your pastor.

You may wonder why you should do premarital counseling. I could give you a lot of good reasons, but let me just give you an analogy. Many people spend four years of their life in college preparing for their job. If we spend that much time preparing for a job, how much more should we be willing to invest in preparing for marriage? I am not advocating four years of preparation. I am saying you should meet with your pastor or a godly man and his wife to learn what God’s Word says about the challenges you will face in marriage.

Pursuing marriage is not easy. There is not a biblical list of 10 steps to finding a spouse. Though things are more complicated than they were for Adam and Eve, we have God’s sure Word to direct us in our pursuit of marriage. In this chapter, I have outlined a way of applying some of these biblical principles to the area of seeking a spouse. May God give you wisdom and love to handle all your relationships in a way which demonstrates a love for God and neighbor. 

Copyright Ben Khazraee. You may share this article with others, but please direct them to this blog rather than posting the text to your own website, blog, etc. You may share printed copies with friends as long as you do not charge more than the cost of producing the copies.

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