These videos may provide cumulative evidence that Planned Parenthood is breaking federal laws (partial birth abortions and selling human body parts for profit). What it undeniably shows is that abortion is the killing of HUMAN life. We already knew that, but it has been easy for our country's collective conscience to look the other way. That is impossible now.
The ultrasound proved it many years ago, and now the graphic images from these videos show that these are human beings we are talking about. There are, as the Planned Parenthood doctors acknowledge, legs, heart, liver, brains, and even gender. If there are human organs then they came from a human being. The logic is undeniable.
Some may say what Planned Parenthood is doing is legal. I think we ought to push back on that type of thinking. Since these are human beings, it has to be illegal to kill them apart from the due process of the law. So, if these are innocent humans it must be murder (illegal). If they have done something worthy of death, they must receive a hearing in court (14th amendment to the constitution). Therefore, abortion must be illegal or unconstitutional.
Even if we granted the argument, however, that Planned Parenthood is not doing anything illegal, that still doesn't make it right. The powerful have almost always had the law on their side as they oppressed the helpless. That was true in the case of slavery and it was true in Hitler's Germany. It is sadly true for the unborn in America right now.
Regardless of the legal issues, there is no blissful ignorance to soothe American consciences anymore. No, there is no unseeing it. To continue to live in ignorance at this point is willful. "It's a boy," and there is no sweeping it under the rug. At least there shouldn't be. The sad reality is that many people stand to make a lot of money by sweeping this under the rug.
What can we do?
First, just like during the movement for the abolition of slavery, we must help our neighbors and political leaders see the evil that has been domesticated right under our noses. We must not let them sidestep the logic: If it is an innocent human being, you cannot morally take its life. Have conversations with your friends and neighbors about abortion. Ask them if they've watched the videos and what they thought. Many of us probably think that if we lived during the time of slavery or Hitler we would have been outspoken in defense of the oppressed. Here is our chance to prove that.Second, we must love pregnant women that need help. Support the local pregnancy center, provide for the physical needs of these women who often are in difficult situations. Share the gospel with them. Let's not just love in theory, let's love in deed.
Third, contact your Senator and Representative about this issue. We must call for just laws. The unborn can't speak for themselves (just like a new born can't). That doesn't mean they aren't worthy of the full protection of the law. Let's respectfully and wisely call our political leaders to uphold justice for all. For Tallahassee, Florida that is Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio and Representative Gwen Graham (click their name to go straight to the "contact page").
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