Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Thought Experiment to Encourage Us in Making Disciples

This is from Mark Dever's book Discipling (pg. 69-70)

Suppose that tomorrow a non-Christian friend of yours in another city for whom you've been praying for years becomes a Christian and starts attending an evangelical church in his city. How would you want that church to receive your friend, whom you love? Presumably, you'd want the congregation as a whole to take responsibility for him. You'd want the elders to teach him. And you'd want a number of individuals in particular to reach out to him, to take him under their wing, to disciple him. You'd want them to teach and model what it means to study the Bible, to walk in righteousness, to evangelize, to be a Christian spouse and parent, to stand up to the world, and to disciple others in turn. And how you would rejoice if that church took responsibility for your friend like this, no? 
Now do you receive and disciple the members of your church like this? Have you been helping others follow Jesus? Are you the answer to prayer of Christians in other cities?
If not, don't panic. I'm not going to ask you to start discipling dozens. Instead, I want you to think about one person in your church - just one. Think of one person whom you would love to see following Jesus more. Now, pray for that person.... 
...how do you think you might go about helping that person follow Jesus? Or, how can you do deliberate spiritual good in his or her life? What are one or two small steps you can take?

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