Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Facing Anxiety about the Future and Decision Making?

All young adults have to work through how to make decisions that will affect their lives. The question, "What is God's will for my life?," seems to surface routinely.

Recently, there was a two part (short) series, by Pat Quinn, about this topic over at the Biblical Counseling Coalition blog. I recommend them to you.

  1. Wisdom for the young part 1 - This one briefly discusses the fact that on the most important things, God's will is clearly spelled out in his Word.
  2. Wisdom for the young part 2 - This article then talks about the areas of life where Scripture doesn't function as a road map but more of a compass (ex. where should I go to school? What should I major in?). 

A short quote from the second article

Use the gospel to motivate them to give themselves to God, refuse worldly values, and renew their minds continually... A heart motivated by mercy, a body committed to God, and a mind transformed by the Word will ultimately be a life without deep regrets. This is truly the “good life.”

He references Kevin DeYoung's short book Just Do Something,  and I whole-heartedly recommend that book to you as well.

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