Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Extinguish This Bloody Traffic"

Sanctity of Life Sunday is coming up. It has been 41 years since the horror of abortion became legally permitted in our nation. Since then it has gone from permitted to celebrated. I found the opening paragraph of an article by Mike Riccardi at the Cripplegate blog a great way to rekindle our zeal in this battle to protect the weakest in our society. I hope you'll read the entire article.

“Never, never will we desist till we . . . extinguish every trace of this bloody traffic, of which our posterity, looking back to the history of these enlightened times, will scarce believe that it has been suffered to exist so long a disgrace and dishonor to this country.”

WilberforceThese words were spoken by William Wilberforce, the British politician who worked tirelessly to end the slave trade in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Though Wilberforce penned those words in reference to the centuries-old and universally-condemned practice of slavery, they very well could have been written today in reference to our own national “disgrace and dishonor.” I am speaking, of course, of abortion. The constitutionally protected right to murder one’s own unborn child is the preeminent social injustice of our day. Should the Lord Jesus choose to patiently prolong His coming, the history books will surely regard such a moral atrocity with the same shame and outrage that we experience as we read about the African slave trade or Hitler’s Holocaust, bewildered that such miscarriages of justice could have been allowed to persist in a civilized and educated society for so long.

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