There are many good ways you might use your summer:
- Work to save money
- Take summer classes
- Serve others (servant evangelism, serving other Christians, serving parents).
- Fellowship with other Christians
- Get to Know God and his Truth Better: study the word and learn from others who studied a lot
Many of these (#3-5) are really non-negotiables because they are commanded of all believers. And it is the last point I'd like to focus on in the rest of this post. I'd like to encourage you to plan to grow in your knowledge of God and his truth. If you do not plan to do it, it will not magically happen.
First, I encourage you to pick a book of the Bible to study this summer. By study, I do not mean to merely read over it (though that is included). I mean to dig into it and seek to get more than just a surface level understanding. Maybe you are thinking, "Great...but how do I do that?". Here is another post that has a handout I have put together on how to study the Bible. Start with a small book (one of Paul's letters maybe).
Second, I encourage you to read through at least one good, Christian book to feed your mind and soul this summer. Learning at the feet of those who have spent much time and spiritual energy studying God's Word is a profitable use of time. To ignore this fact is pride. That being said, I would caution you against picking up the latest "best seller" at the Christian bookstore. Reading a book is an investment of time and energy, and you will only read through so many in your lifetime. So, pick wisely. One reason we do the "summer reading" in the church library is to help you pick a book that we, as shepherds of this church, believe will be a wise use of your time and energy. Here is a link to the list of books for this summer.
So, how will you invest your time this summer? I pray you invest it in many God glorifying ways (enjoying his creation, deepening friendships, serving others). I pray you will make it a priority to grow in your ability to study Scripture and to benefit from a good Christian book.
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