Monday, May 28, 2012

Healthy Churches

There is no such thing as a perfect church on this fallen planet. In heaven, we will be a perfect church.  That is important to realize, but it is not where we should stop. There are churches that are healthy and others that are not so healthy (there are also some that are dead).

Why is that an important distinction to make? The church is God's plan for displaying his glory on earth. It is to be a people that exhibit his character and truth to one another and a watching world.

How do we measure to see if a church has a good bill of health? We look to the Bible, see what a healthy church looks like, and then examine the church in front of us by biblical standards. This is a good thing to do as we look at our own church, and as you look for a new church. 

So what are some biblical signs of health?  Over the next several days, I will post 9 "marks" of a healthy church.*  I pray you will find these helpful in evaluating any church you would think about becoming a member of.  Remember, no church is perfect, but a good church is one that is seeking to be biblical and moving in healthy directions.

*These 9 marks are taken from 9Marks Ministries. Doug and I had the privileged of attending their conference in Washington DC this past week.  9Marks exists to equip church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources for displaying God’s glory to the nations through healthy churches.

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