Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reflecting on the Sermon: 4/3/11

Continuing the topic of church leadership, Rod spoke from 1 Timothy 3.  He laid out the qualifications for elder/pastor/overseer.  This matters for everyone in our church, because we are all called to follow the example our leaders are setting (all Christians are called to godly character, leaders are required to be an example in it if they are to remain elders). 

My application from this sermon is to take these qualifications and the Fruit of the Spirit (something I was reading about in RC Sproul's book The Holiness of God) and put them on a sheet.  Each day I will review one and seek to actively "put on" the godly characteristics and "put off" the wrong ones.  By God's grace I hope to intentionally grow in godliness. 

If you are interested in reflecting more on the elder qualifications see this post (Elder Qualifications and Your Life) from last year where I outline the character qualities found in the Titus (parallel) passage.

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