Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Lessons Learned about Ministering Outside an Abortion Clinic part 1

In about a week, Speak for the Unborn will have their banquet in Louisville, KY. I will be able to attend and share a bit about Grace Church's speak for the unborn ministry outside of our local abortion clinic. As I've prepared, I've thought a bit about what I've been learning. I will share a few of those things over the next couple of posts.

Lesson 1: Christians have truly good news for those entering the clinic and those exiting the clinic. 

As Christians, we are the only ones with a message of hope and good news for the pre-abortive woman who feels like she must choose between self and her child and the post-abortive woman who has already made that choice.

The gospel calls both of them to die to self, take up their cross, and follow Jesus (that is true for every person). And this is really good news for it is the path to true life and joy.

The woman considering an abortion is not trying to make some pro-choice statement. And she isn't happy to be at the abortion clinic. She is in the midst of temptation, confusion, and fear. She is being tempted to pursue the death of her own boy or girl in order to find security and protect her own life and dreams. The gospel, calls her to something which is impossibly glorious. It calls her to die to self-rule, self-protection, and selfishness in order to find life in Christ and his gracious and perfect rule. After all, Jesus invited people to come to him, especially those who are weary, that they may find true rest in him. The gospel offers new life and new desires that lead to hope in the midst of hardship and obedience to God despite the difficulty.

And for the woman who has had an abortion, we have true hope; not clever ways to ignore things or dull the pain. We have a message that is truthful, accurate to reality, and full of hope. The gospel gives an accurate description of our need and only hope.  It tells us that God's wrath really does hang over us because of our sin, but that God has been merciful in sending Christ who can alone save sinners. His life, death, and resurrection guarantee forgiveness for those who confess and forsake their sin so that they might love God in Christ.

Christians are the only ones on the planet that have a message that is good news for ALL those we encounter outside an abortion clinic. As Russell Moore once pointed out, on the way to the abortion clinic, Satan promotes abortion as an inconvenient necessity - one which God will understand given her difficult situation. On the way home from the abortion clinic he condemns the woman averring that there is no way around God's judgment for her. The gospel message is the only thing that speaks truth to both of these false claims.

So, I know that we must try to share the gospel with those coming and going from the clinic. And we ought not to be ashamed by those who say our presence out there is unloving or unkind. We are motived by the love of God in Christ. The love of God and neighbor compels us to be willing to look foolish and to be misunderstood if by some means people would be brought from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light.

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