Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Use Your Summer Well

Tim Challies has a good article by Peter Krol  entitled "3 Ways College Students Can Do More Better Through Finals Week and Into the Summer." I really enjoy reading what Tim has to say about productivity (he has a book on it which I have not read, but I have read many of his blog posts that formed the backbone of that book).

In this article, Krol applies his wisdom in this area to college students and young adults. Here are his three main points:

  1. Make a List and Stick to It
  2. Set Goals for the Summer
  3. Create a Productivity System for Next School Year

My favorite part is in the set goals for the summer. His list several questions to ask yourself as you set goals:

  • What parts of the Bible do you want to read for the first time or study more deeply?
  • What books would you like to read? [Ben's note: Desiring God by John Piper. See you Thursday at our house for book club]
  • What people would you like to meet with for outreach, encouragement, or discipleship?
  • What would you like to learn, and from whom? How can you get yourself around people who live the kind of life you would like to live before Christ, so they can rub off on you?
  • Where can you volunteer your time?
  • How can you get more involved in your church?
  • What other projects would encourage you?
I pray this summer would be one that serves to make you more like Christ. It won't happen without effort on your part though. 

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