Tuesday, March 8, 2016

"How to Slay the Dragon of Pornography"

Ed Welch has a good little article at the Gospel Coalition by this title. It is a good place to start if you or someone you know is tempted or sinning in the area of pornography. The article is also good in that it deals with how to battle temptation and sin in general.

Here is one great paragraph from the article,
When our temptations are especially strong, no rationale for those boundaries will be enough. For example, God has his reasons for limiting sexual expression to heterosexual covenant union, but those reasons won’t give us power to fight temptations. Power doesn’t come from mere knowledge; it comes as we grow in the knowledge of God and respond to him with obedient trust. It comes only as we discover that in God’s presence—not from what the world or fleshly pleasure can offer—do we find fullness of joy and pleasures that never lose their capacity to satisfy (Ps. 16:11).
For a more comprehensive resource on battling pornography I suggest Heath Lambert's book Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace.

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