Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How Much Time Should You Spend on Entertainment / Internet?

Mark Dever has a great interview with John MacArthur about fellowship in the church. The whole thing is great and needful for the church of our era. During the conversation he discusses technology and the challenges of individualism. Here is a paraphrase of one thing that seemed so wise to me (it was not the main point of the interview, but I found it so simple and wise):

How much time should you spend on the internet? 
Let's not get mystical with it. As much time as you spend being entertained on the internet, spend an equal amount of time in the Word, prayer, and reading a good book on solid theology or a biography about a Christian who faithfully served the Lord.
Sounds like a good challenge to me. Think of the immense growth we might experience.

Some of us may want to resist this by crying "legalism," but exercising self-discipline is not legalism. If you follow this advice because you think it will make you right with God you be a legalist. But if you do it because you see it as a means to love God and grow in Christlikeness, you are simply "working out your salvation" (Phil 2:13-14). So, don't follow this advice because you have to.  Do it because you are free by the Spirit to be self-controlled in the area of entertainment and the use of your time. 

Let's take up this challenge together this summer for the good of our own growth and God's glory.

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