Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Evangelicals and Hollywood

There seems to be in our day, a growing fascination among Christians with not being seen as prudish. This is especially true in the realm of entertainment. We want to "engage the culture" and affirm common ground with unbelievers around us. And these desires can be biblically thought out and useful. But it is also the case that in the name of such things we begin to confuse worldliness with the biblical worldview. Trevin Waxin has a thoughtful article at the gospel coalition's site on the issue of Christians and entertainment. It is worth a read. Below are a few quotes highlighting his main point:

I never subscribed to the fundamentalist vision that saw holiness in terms of cultural retreat or worldliness as anything that smacked of cultural engagement. I don’t subscribe to that position today.

But sometimes I wonder if evangelicals have swung the pendulum too far to the other side, to the point where all sorts of entertainment choices are validated in the name of cultural engagement.
I am concerned that many evangelicals may be expending more energy in avoiding the appearance of being “holier-than-thou” than we do in avoiding evil itself.
At what point does our cultural engagement become just a sophisticated way of being worldly?
Let's start thinking and talking to one another more about our entertainment choices. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.


  1. Good stuff Ben! I find that we as evangelicals who are big on doctrine, our problem tends to be that we can easily look down on those who are right-minded with their christian freedoms. Well, at least I tend to struggle with that. But, this is a good reminder either way.
