Monday, February 25, 2013

Missions is Not Merely about Sending People

Here is a statement that is so important for our understanding of missions. This is from HeartCry Missionary Society:

Missions is not about merely  sending people to the foreign field- the Peace Corps can do that! Missions is about communicating God's truth to the world. It is a doctrinal or theological endeavor...

Statements like that are why I love the fact that our church supports HeartCry. I love reading their magazine which gives updates of the mission work they are supporting around the globe. If you have never heard of them, you should take some time to check out their website and their magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Missions exists to glorify God through the proclamation of the Gospel, not through only connecting one group of sinners with another group of them on the other side of the world. Also, regeneration doesn't happen by osmosis; we must preach the Gospel. Thankful for HeartCry and the work God is doing through them.
