Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reflecting on the Sermon: 12/5/10

Rod preached on Romans 8:19-25, focusing on how every true believer has the hope of glorification.  He focused a lot on how a true believer has tasted of the hope of glory and groans for more- yearns for glorification.  I thought he gave a real practical way for us to examine our own hearts to determine if we exhibit this evidence of groaning for heaven.  My life is anchored here (instead of in heaven), if I am often focusing my time, energy, and money to try and make life better for me here and now instead of seeking God's kingdom.  This is a tangible way for me to examine my unseen heart.  I can look at my check book, how I spend my time, and what I think about most often and get a feel for where I am anchoring my life.  Man, that is a challenging test and reminds me that I often yearn too much for temporal happiness instead of eternal things.  God, loosen our grip on this world and cause us to cling to the hope we have in you.

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