Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Why Christians Need to be Part of a Church

In an culture that reeks of individualism, we, as Christians, must often remind ourselves that God has placed us into a family and body with other Christians. By definition we are not to be "lone rangers."

In an article entitled, "Yes Christian, You Need the Church," Josh Buice gives some ammunition for us to combat the pull towards personal preference and individualism. Below are the main headings, but the whole thing is a helpful read (the article is short, so give it a read).

We Need the Church for:
  1. Worship – Not Entertainment or Performance
  2. Spiritual Development
  3. Christ-Centered Friendship
  4. Biblical Leadership
  5. Missions
If you are wondering what a healthy church looks like, check our 9marks.org for some biblical thinking. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Testimony on Dealing with Depression

Crossway has a video (4 minutes) from Phil Ryken (president of Wheaton Bible College) about God's grace as he faced a time of depression.

When Trouble Comes: Phil Ryken's Personal Testimony from Crossway on Vimeo.

I hope you find it encouraging and helpful. Another resource you might find helpful is a sermon I preached on Psalm 88 several years ago (click here and look for the sermon from 7/15/12).