Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"Seven Tips for College Students" from John Piper

I really enjoy the "Ask Pastor John" podcast. A couple of days ago he focused on some counsel for college students, and I hope you will listen to it.  It is short (~8 minutes).

Here are the seven headings of what he discussed:

  1. Love God
  2. Love Others
  3. Be saturated in the Bible
  4. Be done with self-reliance
  5. Belong to a local church
  6. Be guarded from loving the world
  7. Test all things by the Word of God
Under his last point he says,
Finally, you have one life to live. And it is not a good thing to experiment with it. What will make life work? What will make my eternity happy? God did not give you life to experiment with. He gave you life and he gave you a book. God has spoken. It is not a matter of experimentation. It is a matter of application of God’s Word to everything. He knows all things. He knows what will make you happy in the moment. He knows what will make your life count for the here and now. So trust him.
Good stuff.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Praying for Life: A Suggested Prayer List

When it comes to the issue of abortion, we must not grow weary in sustained and frequent prayer. In an effort to help you think about different things to pray, I composed a list of 28 different prayer requests (the dark bullet points).* You might consider praying one request each day for a month and then starting the list over.  I encourage you to look up and use the verses (where listed) to help you pray.


  • God's mighty works of salvation- throughout history and among us
  • The end of "legal" slavery in the West
  • That we can legally resist abortion, and use our voice to publicly speak against our government
  • For so many Pregnancy Centers caring for women (2,200 in the US now)

For Christians

  • More Christians to be involved in adoption and fostering (James 1:27), specifically:[1]
    • More couples willing to adopt special needs children
    • More couples from diverse ethnic backgrounds adopting
  • Continued and greater compassion of the church for women tempted to have abortions
  • To be bold with the gospel and clear on moral issues (1 Pet. 4:16)
  • To love their neighbors (born and unborn) in deed and not merely word
  • For some to take on vocations in law, government, and medical research in order to love their unborn neighbors
  • To take their stewardship of voting seriously, especially electing those who see the sanctity of life (Psalm 94:20)
  • Willingness to sacrifice comfort and ease for the physical life of babies and eternal life of many (Luke 10:25-37 – the good Samaritan)

Government (Psalm 82)

  • President Obama and Pro-choice lawmakers to have consciences awakened to the evil of abortion and the courage to act and end evil laws and abortion (Psalm 82)
  • Our Senators and Representatives  
    • Senator Marco Rubio to continue to be clear and articulate on the issue
    • Senator Bill Nelson and Representative Gwen Graham to see innocent lives are being taken
    • Senate investigation into Planned Parenthood would find the truth
  • Judges who will fear God and not man


  • The works of darkness may be exposed and impact the consciences of many (videos by the Center for Medical Progress would be part of this) – Ephesians 5:11
  • See the idolatry of self-autonomy, sex, and materialism behind abortion and turn to Jesus as their soul's satisfaction (2 Corinthians 4:1-6, James 4:2, James 5:1-5)
  • Revival in our nation

For those pursuing abortion

  • They would fear the Lord and turn away from the evil of abortion
  • They would know the mercy of God that keeps their hearts beating even while they contemplate stopping the heart of another (Matt. 5:45b, Rom. 2:4)
  • That they would listen to God's wisdom and not that which promotes death (Prov. 1:18-23)
  • For fathers and other family members to defend the life of the baby

Convert the owners, doctors and nurses involved in abortion and close down abortion clinics

  • Repent of committing and/or facilitating in murder (Luke 23:42)
  • That they would see the good deeds of Christians and hear the gospel and glorify our Father in heaven with deeds in keeping with repentance (1 Pet. 2:12, Luke 3:8)
  • Conversion of Stephen - the abortion doctor at "North Florida Women's Services" in Tallahassee (2 Corinthians 4:1-6)
  • Conversion of Cecile Richardson- president of Planned Parenthood Federation (2 Cor. 4:1-6)
  • The following to promote families rather than destroy them
    • Planned Parenthood of South, East, and North Florida
    • Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida
    • North Florida Women's Services in Tallahassee
  • And end to the over 50,000,000 abortions performed worldwide each YEAR
  • That God would be praised for bringing an end to abortion in our state, nation and world

[1] This comes from a Christian pregnancy / adoption center I spoke with. 
* Note, several of the requests are specific to Florida and Tallahassee. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

"5 Ways to Ruin a Perfectly Good Dating Relationship"

Here is a link to an article by Tim Challies on this topic. It's worth a read.

Rescue Those Being Taken to Slaughter

Sunday night we had a service to think biblically about abortion and to entreat God to bring an end to this in our land. Below are my sermon notes. If you had to miss the service, maybe the notes can be used to exhort you to be involved in rescuing those being taken to slaughter.

Rescue Those Being Taken to Slaughter
Proverbs 24:10-12
I.                   Introduction
a.      Read Prov 24:10-12
b.     William Wilberforce
                                                               i.      He was elected a member of British Parliament in 1780 during the height of the slave trade
                                                             ii.      Five years later, 1785, he became a Christian
1.       Considered leaving politics,
2.       but under the guidance of John Newton, he decided to stay and take up fighting the slave trade in parliament.
                                                            iii.      Took about 20 years of fighting (1808) that he actually sees any real victory…that is when a bill finally passed outlawing the slave trade (not slavery).
                                                           iv.      Took another 25 years (1833), that England finally voted to emancipate slaves
                                                             v.      Took about 45 years from his first attempt until final success
                                                           vi.      Adversity abounded
1.       Fellow politicians who would not vote with him for fear of losing their seats…
2.       The financial motivation for keeping slavery going was huge
3.       Slavery was easy for the average Englishman to justify and hard to condemn
a.       The slaves’ suffering was out of direct sight…
b.      Creature comforts might be lost (less sugar form plantations)
                                                          vii.      He is an example of one who kept fighting to rescue those being “taken away to death” even the face of constant adversity

c.       It is easy to look back and not “faint” or grow weak kneed as we ponder the great adversity faced by so many before us….
                                                               i.      We are quick to think how we would have
1.       We would have fought for the end of slavery in the 1700’s in England
                                                             ii.      But that isn’t our “day of adversity”….
1.       It is easy to talk big, but it is in the day of adversity a person’s mettle gets tested.
2.       It’s another thing to face the distress and adversity and do what Prov. 24 says…
3.       Our generation faces adversity which presses us to ignore those being oppressed and led to slaughter. 
4.       Babies are systematically ripped from the warm security of their mother’s wombs with cold forceps wielded by cold hearted “doctors.”
5.       And we’ve been told not to mess with the right of a woman to choose if her baby lives or dies….
7.       What will we do?

d.      My goal this evening is to encourage and exhort us, as Christians, to see that we have a God given mandate to rescue those being taken away to slaughter.
                                                               i.      Look at the command
                                                             ii.      Note that excuses for not obeying it won’t work
                                                            iii.      And then think about how we might apply it

II.                  Rescue Those Going to Slaughter (v. 11)
a.      Read v. 11
Rescue those who are being taken away to death;
    hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
b.      What is the situation v. 11 address? Who are those being “taken away to death” and “lead to slaughter”?
                                                               i.      Does it refer to
1.       Those about to be victims of vigilante justice?
2.       An innocent person falsely accused in court?
3.       A murder?
4.       Child sacrifices being offered to pagan gods?
                                                             ii.      As with most proverbs, we don’t have a historical setting
1.       Proverbs are short statements of God’s wisdom,
2.       Proverbs apply the fear of the Lord to everyday life
3.       So it gives us a principle which applies in all sorts of situations.

c.       What is the clear principle and command of v. 11?
                                                               i.      We are commanded to intervene to “rescue” and to “hold back” those being unjustly taken to death.
                                                             ii.      We are not to overlook any group of people being killed who ought not be killed
1.       The text doesn’t say, “your kinsmen” or “Jews” or “the important in society”
2.       It says “those”…anyone being unjustly taken away to death.
3.       Jews, whites, blacks, elderly, unborn. Christian or not.
                                                            iii.      So, we have a command from our King, our God, to intervene so that, if possible, we might rescue those being unjustly taken to slaughter.
                                                           iv.      Fearing God means seeing this as right even if we face distress or adversity.

d.      The problem is that we often make excuses not to intervene…v. 12a

III.              Excuses Will Not Absolve Us of Guilt v. 12
If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,”
    does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?
a.      “If you say, ‘Behold we did not know this’….”
                                                               i.      This defense as to why they did not rescue the weak has some plausibility to it or it wouldn’t be offered as an excuse.
                                                             ii.      It is the case that slaughter is often concealed under the cover of night or a relabeling of what is going on
                                                            iii.      But God sees through our excuses.

b.      “…does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it,” and will he not repay man according to his work?    
                                                               i.      Perhaps we really are ignorant of the facts of those facing slaughter….
1.       But God knows when our ignorance is a guilty ignorance as Piper explains
“He sees through all our rationalizations and knows perfectly when we have neglected a duty out of ignorance or out of laziness or fear or apathy or preoccupation with lesser things. There will be no evasion with God…When we are called to account for our actions, he not only will say, ‘Why didn’t you act this way if you knew this much?’ He will also say, ‘Why did you allow yourself, in view of how much was at stake, to remain in such an insensitive ignorance?’” (“Rescuing the Unborn: Required and Right” Sermon, 1989).
                                                             ii.      So, God knows what we know
                                                            iii.      and what we are culpably are ignorant of.
                                                           iv.      He knows what our hearts know, but he also weighs our hearts and why we know or don’t know things.
1.       If we are ignorant b/c
a.       We didn’t care to find out…we’d rather not think about heavy things
b.      We were lazy…we’d rather be entertained than summoned to put our time and energy on the line to love our neighbor….
c.       We unthinkingly just buy into the satanic thinking the World throws at us…
c.       Before moving on to applying this passage to abortion, I want to show that we know (or don’t’ know) in a culpable way.
                                                               i.      Claiming ignorance on the issue of abortion will not do.

IV.              The Unborn Qualify as “Those” Being Taken to Slaughter and in Need of Rescue
a.      Briefly make the case the unborn are human and that abortion is them being taken to slaughter
                                                               i.      This is important b/c if they are human persons then the question of women’s rights, economic hardship, etc. do not justify the termination of their lives…
1.       All those other issues should be addressed
2.       But abortion goes off the table
                                                             ii.      Think about it, this is how our nation, during slavery, and Nazi Germany, during WWII, did horrific things…
1.       Slaves are “not human” and then 3/5 compromise (a slave is 3/5 of a person)
2.       Jews etc. are a different race (sub-human race)
3.       So do what you want to them…
4.       If a woman having an abortion is just like her getting a tooth pulled then fine
5.       But if this is human person,
a.       then abortion is the slaughter of the innocent
b.      and we have an obligation to do what we can to rescue them…

b.      From Conception, we are Human’s
                                                               i.      The Bible teaches their full personhood
1.       A lot of passages could be brought in, I’ll just do one
Psalm 139:
For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
You knitted “Me” not some other organism that I came into being out of…no it was me.

                                                             ii.      Science tells us they are human beings
1.       At conception, you have biological life[1]
a.       cell division,
b.      metabolism,
c.       response to stimuli,
d.      etc.
2.       And what type of life…human life.
3.       It is human life at its earliest stages
a.       Just like you were a toddler, so we all were an embryo.
b.      You didn’t come from a toddler as if a toddler is something wholly different from the present you
c.       It is you at a different stage of development.
d.      In the same way we were all at the stage of embryo
4.       Embryology textbooks state the facts over and over again. One example:[2]
"[The zygote], formed by the union of an oocyte and a sperm, is the beginning of a new human being." (Keith L. Moore, Before We Are Born: Essentials of Embryology, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2008. p. 2.)

                                                            iii.      Third point I’ll make to prove the unborn are human and qualify as “those” who we must rescue is Our laws prove we know they are humans
1.       We have fetal homicide laws in 38 states
2.       FL has several…
a.       DUI killing a baby in the mother’s womb…you are charged with manslaughter of both mom and baby….
b.      Murder a pregnant woman and the baby in her dies too, you have 2 counts of murder
3.       If that woman, though went to an abortion clinic and “terminated the pregnancy”…no charges…
4.       Why?
a.       Because she didn’t want the baby, she decided it wasn’t a person.
5.       So, we know there is human life,
a.       we just have convenient ways of looking the other way when we want to.
b.      Our nation is willfully ignorant
c.       They can’t say “we didn’t know”
d.      And neither can God’s people who are to represent our God who rescued us from death.

c.       They are in need of rescue on a grand scale
                                                               i.      Abortions in the US
a.       In WW2 we lost 400,000.
b.      Cf to abortion in US from 1973-2014 there were 54,560,000
2.       There are now over 1 million abortions in the US each year.
3.       That is just in the US
                                                             ii.      Worldwide
1.       In 2008 there were ~40 million abortions worldwide
2.       This doesn’t even take into account the number of “embryos” destroyed for “research” or left frozen as “unwanted” after IVF…
                                                            iii.      Florida
1.       24% of all pregnancies in FL ended in abortion in 2011.
2.       Florida ranked #3 in the nation in the number of abortions
3.       with about 85,000 abortions (though California and New York (1, 2) had 100k and 50k more than we did).
4.       We had almost 85,000 abortions, that is more than the number of people that can fit in Doak Campbell Stadium
a.       legally killed with no trial, no due process.
b.      The innocent are being slaughtered

d.      So, biblically, scientifically, and in our existing laws we see that what is in the womb is a full human person, not simply potential human life….
                                                               i.      therefore the unborn qualify as “those” being lead to slaughter that we must rescue
                                                             ii.      As Wilberforce said after presenting evidence of the horrors of the slave trade to British Parliament, “You may choose to look away, but you may never again say you did not know”.

e.       And the scale is so huge that all of us can and must be involved….

f.        To not pray, and act is fainting or shirking and is not pleasing to God.

V.                How Can We Obey God and Rescue the Unborn?
a.      1st Share the gospel and pray for revival…
                                                               i.      We began with a video clip that reminds us that this is not simply a social issue.
                                                             ii.      It is a “man is in rebellion, suppressing the truth in unrighteousness” issue.
                                                            iii.      Our first allegiance is to God, not the pro-life movement
                                                           iv.      The gospel alone has the power to forgive and change people.
                                                             v.      And b/c we are committed to God we care about life
                                                           vi.      And we care especially about eternal souls.

b.      2st Watch the Center For Medical Progress Videos or at least know what they are about in order  to see abortion for what it really is; (Provide handout listing what each video shows)

c.       3rd Support alternatives to abortion with money and time and prayers (AWPC)
                                                               i.      I have more info on the communion table
                                                             ii.      Behind the scenes help,
                                                            iii.      Face to face with clients help,
                                                           iv.      This week pressing need regarding their fundraising banquet Wed and Thur….

d.      4th  Know and Make the pro-life argument
                                                               i.      The one’s being led to slaughter often are unable to defend themselves.
                                                             ii.      In the case of abortion, they totally unable
                                                            iii.      They cannot even have the faint hope of finding an underground railroad to escape
                                                           iv.      They cannot defend themselves or make their case

e.       5th Use your democratic privileges of free speech and representation and demonstration to press for legal protection for the unborn.
                                                               i.      Voting is not where we place our hope
                                                             ii.      But we have a stewardship before God as people living as citizens in the United States…
                                                            iii.      If you don’t think this is a big deal,
1.       Consider that our current president is doing everything he can to ensure women can legally kill their babies… and that federal dollars to the tune of 500 million dollars keep going to planned parenthood whose business is abortion.
2.       Consider the senators refusing to vote to end the atrocity of abortion or even limit abortion
                                                           iv.      Your vote matters, and since gov’t primary job according to the Bible is to punish the guilty and protect the innocent, this issue is a non-negotiable…
                                                             v.      Know what the candidates believe and how firmly they believe it on this issue.
                                                           vi.      Write to your current representatives so they know that this issue matters most.

f.        6th  Don't grow weary in the fight
                                                               i.      This is not a fight for better education or better foreign policy (as important as those are).
1.       This is a fight for the lives of millions of unborn human beings.
2.       Over 1 million killed in our country each year
3.       Over 50 million have been killed since Roe v. Wade (that is the Holocaust x ~10).
4.       And it happens worldwide at that rate EVERY YEAR
                                                             ii.      So, we must not grow weary in the battle. We must be willing to spend our money, counsel others, and have uncomfortable discussions and pray for the long haul.

                                                            iii.      Again we find a good example in William Wilberforce, who fought the slave trade in England.

1.       He wrote
"Never, never will we desist till we . . . extinguish every trace of this bloody traffic, of which our posterity, looking back to the history of these enlightened times, will scarce believe that it has been suffered to exist so long a disgrace and dishonor to this country” (William Wilberforce).
2.       He fought for over 40 years before he finally was able to see the evil outlawed.
3.       Pro-lifers are today's abolitionists.
4.       We have some big shoes to fill. By God's grace we can.

g.      7th And that brings us to the last thing, but it is by no means least – pray
                                                               i.      Only by God’s grace will we see change on this issue.
                                                             ii.      As his subjects we long to see his will on earth…
                                                            iii.      We want people to stop destroying that which he is knitting together in the womb…people in his image
                                                           iv.      We want revival in our land so that God is glorified in saving many from judgment.
                                                             v.      Pray for awakening in the churches, conversion of many, end of abortion, law-makers
                                                           vi.      Let’s spend time praying now…use handouts to help.

h.      6th Prayer
We confess that we have been apathetic to your glory and that we have lacked concern for our unborn neighbor and women in difficult circumstances. We have not spoken against or prayed about this evil as often as we should
Help us to see that the ultimate evil of abortion is not simply the taking of innocent life or damage done to women and men, but that it is an assault on you, our Creator, the one who makes all people in your image.

[1] Gender at conception: At conception you now have a human that is a boy or girl- Gender is already determined at that point though the external features have not formed the genetics are in place immediately

[2] More can be found here: http://www.abort73.com/abortion/medical_testimony/