Saturday, April 18, 2015

You Have Good Reasons to Trust God with Your Singleness

There are many other attributes of God which if studied would give us hope. But with these three foundational ones in mind (sovereign, good, wise), we must draw the obvious conclusion: God is trustworthy.

Since God is Sovereign, Good, and Wise, He is Trustworthy
I hope you see how important theology is. Not just what we say we believe but what we actually cling to and functionally believe. This is not a “grin and bear it” theology. This is “trust His heart when you can’t trace His hand” theology. Jerry Bridges put it well when he said,

Trusting God in the midst of our pain and heartache means that we accept it from Him. There is a vast difference between acceptance and either resignation or submission. We can resign ourselves to a difficult situation, simply because we see no other alternative. Many people do that all the time. Or we can submit to the sovereignty of God in our circumstances with a certain amount of reluctance. But to truly accept our pain and heartache has the connotation of willingness. An attitude of acceptance says that we trust God, that he loves us, and knows what is best for us.[1]

So, what is your functional trust in God? Take some time to examine where your stated beliefs about God fail to match your actual (lived-out) beliefs. When you are tempted to question His sovereignty, goodness, or wisdom, turn your thoughts to Scripture, which affirms those very things. Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself. Stop letting your mind run wild with thoughts which question God’s sovereignty, goodness, and wisdom, and, instead, remind yourself of what is actually true from Scripture.

If you are honest with yourself, I believe you will see some pockets of unbelief. I know that is true as I look at my life. When you see these areas, confess the sin to the Lord and thank Him that Jesus perfectly trusted the Father for you! His righteousness counts for you. Then, ask God to give you the grace to trust Him more and more.

Your whole Christian life is one of trusting in the sovereign, good, and wise Father. The season of singleness, whether it is short or a lifetime, is no exception. This is not a cliché when I say, “Trust God and put all your hope in Him.”  Sometimes people say, “Trust God” because they just don’t know what else to say or because it sounds spiritual. In this context, however, I believe we have developed a good foundation to say, “Trust God.”

This is part of the series God, Singleness, and Marriage: How the Bible Gives Purpose and Direction to Singles.  

[1] Bridges, Jerry, Trusting God, (Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress, 1988), p. 102.

Copyright Ben Khazraee. You may share this article with others, but please direct them to this blog rather than posting the text to your own website, blog, etc. You may share printed copies with friends as long as you do not charge more than the cost of producing the copies. 

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