Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Bible Study on Repentance

This past Sunday, I preached on the Joy of Being Forgiven from Psalm 32. The joy of forgiveness is tied to our willingness to stop hiding our sin. When we confess and repent of sin (trust the Lord to free us from its guilt and power), we find he restores our joy. Since Psalm 32 and 51 are closely connected, I thought I'd share this Bible study I developed a long time ago on the topic of repentance. You might find it helpful to go through as an application of the sermon.

Click here to download a word document version

Below is a copy and paste of the worksheet. You could do one section a day for 7 days.

Repentance and Remorse Bible Study


Repentance is God’s gracious gift to us which produces freedom from guilt and a restoration of true happiness (Ps. 51, 32). Many times, however, we settle for feeling constant guilt and find ourselves unable to see sin patterns change because we fail to understand true repentance. This study is designed to guide you in the path to forgiveness and the first step in changing sin patterns.


  1. Read Psalm 51
  • What circumstance prompted David to write this Psalm according to the superscription above verse 1?  (If you are unfamiliar with this event read 2 Samuel 11-12.)



  • In verses 1-2, what does David plea to God for?


  • He wants God to treat him according to His _____________ and ______________ (v 1).

Ø  Why should knowing that God possesses these attributes cause you to be quick to confess sins to God?


  • Who does David say his sin was ultimately against (v. 4)?

Do you realize that every sin you commit has an impact on your vertical relationship (with God) and horizontal relationships (with others)?  David teaches us that ultimately every sin is first and foremost an offense against a holy God.  Our sin is rebellion against God.  We cannot have a right relationship with God if our sins are not dealt with (v. 9).


  • In verse 7, who does David ask to cleanse him? 


Ø  Do you try to cleanse yourself from sin by doing good things (going to church, reading your Bible, helping people, etc.)?  Explain.


Ø  Do those things cleanse you? (See Titus 3:5).



  • What does David ask for in verse 10?
    David realized that the problem was deeper than his sinful behavior.  He needed to be changed and cleansed from the inside out.


  • According to verses 16-17 what is God most interested in?


Ø  Does this mean that God doesn’t expect right behavior (read v. 18-19)?


  • How can you apply this passage to your situation?  What are some key aspects of repentance you gleaned from it?



2. Read Psalm 32:1-5

  • This seems to have been written by David after he penned Psalm 51.
  • According to verses 3-4, what was David’s experience when he “kept silent” about his sin?


Ø  Have you experienced this? Describe it.


Ø  If not, why do you think you have not?



  • Read verses 1-2 and then verse 5.

Ø  What is the connection between forgiveness and confessing sin?


Ø  Verse 2 indicates the blessing of forgiveness comes to those in whose spirit there is “no deceit.” In light of verse 5, what do you think he means when he says “no deceit?”



Ø  What was his experience when he confessed to the Lord and was forgiven (verse 1-2)?



  • How does this passage motivate you to confess and repent of your sin?




3. Read Proverbs 28:13

  • The one who obtains mercy must _______________ and _______________ sins. 


  • To confess is to agree with God’s judgment of your sinful thoughts and behavior- to call them what he calls them (rebellion against his loving rule in your life).


  • To forsake is to turn away from something and leave it behind.


  • Is confessing your sins the same as repentance?  How are they related?



  • How can you apply this passage to your life today?



4. Read Joel 2:12-13

  • The word “return” is used here to refer to repentance.  The same word is used in Ezekiel 14:6, “Thus says the Lord: Repent and turn away from your idols, and turn away your faces from all your abominations.”  In both passages it means to turn from sin to God.


  • What does verse 13 say the people should rend/tear?


  • Rending garments in biblical times was an outward way of showing the inward reality of a broken heart.  Is it possible for someone to do outward actions that show a broken heart while not really having a broken heart over sin?  Give some examples.



5. Read 2 Corinthians 7:8-11

  • Paul had sent the Corinthians a letter to confront some of their sins (v. 8).  How did they respond to the letter according to verse 9?



  • In verse 10, Paul says there are two types of grief or sorrow over sin.  What are they?



  • What is the difference between these two types of sorrow?



  • Is feeling guilty or sorry over sin the same thing as repentance?



  • The word “salvation” here does not just refer to a person being able to enter into heaven one day.  It refers to a Christian’s current spiritual vitality/walk with God and future eternal life.



  • Read what one commentator had to say about the difference between these two types of grief:


Being sorrowful as God intended is feeling the deep grief that comes from knowing that our attitudes and actions have harmed our relationship with God.  ‘Godly sorrow’ feels bad because it is missing out on God … Worldly sorrow is the grief that comes about because one’s actions result in missing out on something the world has to offer.  Worldly sorrow feels bad because it wants more of the world (Hafmann, NIV Application Commentary: 2 Corinthians, 312).


  • Which type of sorrow do you usually have?  How can you tell?



  • In verse 11, Paul goes on to list 7 qualities or attitudes that are seen as fruit that proves that the Corinthians actually repented.  Read Luke 3:8 and Acts 26:19-20Should we expect to see right thoughts and behavior flow out of true repentance? Why or Why not?



  • In your situation, what type of fruit (new behavior and thoughts) do you think should flow out of your repentance?



6. Examples of Sorrow over Sin

  • Read Matthew 27:1-5

Ø  This event occurred after Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. 

Ø  Judas felt sad (remorse).  Does Judas exemplify worldly or godly sorrow?  Explain your answer.

  • Read Matthew 26:69-75 and John 21:15-17

Ø  Peter also failed Jesus. Peter also felt sorrow over his sin. 

Ø  Does Peter exemplify worldly or godly sorrow?  Explain your answer.

  • Godly sorrow comes from a heart that sees sin as rebellion against God, and it leads to a decisive turnaround from sin to God.  Worldly sorrow feels the same pain, but it is caused because of unwelcomed consequences (feelings of guilt, fear of punishment, or difficult circumstances) and does not lead to a true turning from sin to God.  It may lead a person to turn from a particular sin (to avoid more consequences or as a form of trying to pay for his or her sin), but it will not bring true repentance or lead to God.  Which type of sorrow do most often experience and how do you know which one it is?



7. Summary- Repentance involves the following ingredients:

    1. Recognizing your sin and seeing it for what it is: Rebellion against God.
    2. Sorrow over your sin.  This may involve literal tears, but it does not have to.  What is important is that your heart is broken over your sin because you know it has dishonored God and affected your relationship with Him.
    3. Confessing your sin to God in prayer (agreeing with God that you have sinned and that the sin has affected your relationship with Him and other people).  Be specific and name the sin.
    4. Asking for God’s mercy to cleanse you.  Jesus died to pay for your sin.
    5. Turning from the sin towards God (both in your heart and behavior).  

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