I preached this past Sunday on "Living in Light of the Resurrection — Setting Our Minds on Things Above." Since Jesus has been raised from the dead, heaven is not a wishful thought to help ease our pains. Rather, it is a reality to be cherished (which means we must think about it).
Below are a couple of resources you might find helpful in cultivating a mind that is set on things above (They helped me in preparing).
- Jonathan Edwards Sermon "Heaven is World of Love"
- Jonathan Edwards Sermon "THE CHRISTIAN PILGRIM; OR THE TRUE CHRISTIAN’S LIFE A JOURNEY TOWARDS HEAVEN" (you have to use the arrow keys to buttons to each page of the sermon) Here is a shorter synopsis of some of its main points
- Gavin Ortlund "The Eternal Shore Five Things We Forget About Heaven" (this is where I got the swimmer illustration)
- One more that I didn't reference but have found helpful in the past is Richard Baxter's book The Saint's Everlasting Rest
Thanks Pastor Ben. This is a very rich content and I just realized that. God bless you and strengthen you more.