Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Jonathan Edwards on Being Pilgrims on Our Way to Heaven

They were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. (Hebrews 11:13-14)

This earth is not our final home. How does that shape the way we live? How do we live in a way that shows that are seeking a different homeland? 

Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon on Hebrews 11:13-14 entitled "The Christian Pilgrim; or The True Christian Life, a Journey Towards Heaven." Below are some excerpts that might help you live in the world as a Christian bound for the heavenly country. What I find helpful is the way he does not deny the goodness of the gifts we have here in the present age. He just puts them in proper orbit around God. I also find the "journey" metaphor helpful (it is biblical, after all). A person who is traveling will stop and rest and enjoy the sights. However, he or she does not stop and set up a permanent home there. 

Seek God's Kingdom

We should seek first the kingdom of God, Matt. vi. 33. He that is on a journey, seeks the place that he is journeying to. We ought above all things to desire a heavenly happiness: to go to heaven, and there be with God, and dwell with Jesus Christ. 

Keep Good Gifts in Perspective (Enjoy them, don't cling to them) 

If we are surrounded with many outward enjoyments, and things that are very comfortable to us; if we are settled in families, and have those good friends and relations that are very desirable; if we have companions whose society is delightful to us; if we have children that are pleasant and hopeful, and in whom we see many promising qualifications; if we live by good neighbors; have much of the respect of others; have a good name; are generally beloved where we are known; and have comfortable and pleasant accommodations; yet we ought not to take our rest in these things. We should not be willing to have these things for our portion, but should seek a higher happiness in another world. 

We should not merely seek something else in addition to these things, but should be so far from resting in them, that we should choose and desire to leave these things for heaven; to go to God and Christ there. We should not be willing to live here always, if we could, in the same strength and vigor of body and mind as when in youth, or in the midst of our days; and always enjoy the same pleasure, and dear friends, and other earthly comforts. We should choose and desire to leave them all in God’s due time, that we might go to heaven, and there have the enjoyment of God. 

We ought to possess them, enjoy and make use of them, with no other view or aim, but readily to quit them whenever we are called to it, and to change them for heaven. And when we are called away from them, we should go cheerfully and willingly. ...

... We ought to look upon these things as only lent to us for a little while, to serve a present turn; but we should set our hearts on heaven as our inheritance forever.

Don't Get Distracted from Pursuing Your Homeland (don't get too comfortable here)

He that is going a journey, is not wont to rest in what he meets with that is comfortable and pleasing on the road. If he passes along through pleasant places, flowery meadows, or shady groves; he does not take up his content in these things. He is content only to take a transient view of these pleasant objects as he goes along. He is not enticed by these fine appearances to put an end to his journey, and leave off the thought of proceeding . . .

Remember that God is the Source and Substance of all True Joy

To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here. Better than fathers and mothers, husbands, wives or children, or the company of any, or all earthly friends. These are but shadows; but the enjoyment of God is the substance. These are but scattered beams; but God is the sun. These are but streams; but God is the fountain. These are but drops; but God is the ocean. 

Work Hard to Keep Your Heart Fixed on Heaven 

Labor to have your heart taken up so much about heaven and heavenly enjoyments, as that you may rejoice at any time when God calls you to leave your best earthly friends, and those things that are most comfortable to you here, to go to heaven, there to enjoy God and Christ. 

On that last point, I encourage you to start a list of the wonders of heaven. Just look at it once a month or so and add a new thing to that list each time.  

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