Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Helpful Article on the Choices of the 2020 Election by Dr. Mohler

 Albert Mohler wrote a long article on the issues at stake in the upcoming election ("Christians, Conscience, and the Looming 2020 Election"). In the article, Dr. Mohler explains how he went from opposing Donald Trump's 2016 bid to voting for President Trump this year. This is not because he is now "pro-Trump" or is ignoring the significant moral issues in President Trump's life.  The whole article is worth reading, but below are some excerpts: 

I agree that there are many other issues that press on the Christian conscience—questions of economic policy and foreign affairs and energy and the stewardship of the earth. The searing pain of racial injustice and the unraveling of our social fabric demand Christian response and urgency. Christians must be concerned about questions of immigration policy and refugees—and these issues defy the simplifications of the sound-bite and tweet culture.

But human dignity and the sanctity of human life are even more basic truths, and I believe there is no hope for defending human dignity for all if it is denied in the womb. To be intellectually responsible is to recognize the array of issues confronting us, but the same intellectual responsibility demands that we know which questions are prior to others and on which truths the entire superstructure of human dignity and human rights depend.


I cannot accept the argument that a calm man who affirms the dismembering of babies in the womb has a superior character to a man who rants like Genghis Khan but acts to preserve that life. In my ideal world, I would vote for a candidate in whom the personal, the principled, and the practical earn my admiration. I do not live in that world. I live in this world, and I must act accordingly.


In the protection of liberty, religious liberty is fundamental. President Trump has corrected many of the infringements on religious liberty caused by the policy mandates of previous administrations. He has made religious liberty an American priority at home and abroad.


On issues such as the transgender revolution, which will reshape the entire society, Biden went so far in a recent town hall appearance that he said he would support transgender demands all the way to supporting gender transition among 8 and 10 year old children. "There should be zero discrimination," Biden said. 

Dr. Mohler ends his article by acknowledging that some Christians will make different decisions as to what to do with their votes. Each of us is responsible to God for how we steward our vote. What is clear is that each of us must not compromise on the biblical teaching of the sanctity of life, the need to rescue those being led to slaughter, God's design for marriage, religious liberty, and the fact that humans cannot actually make themselves a different sex than they were created to be. We will not all be convinced that this means we should vote for President Trump, but let's not allow these issues which the Bible speaks clearly about to remain separate from our act of voting. 

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