Here is a link to the Sunday school class I taught last Sunday on Genesis 1:27-31 on the topic of God's good design of creating the human race as male and female. Below is the outline (sorry it isn't formated nicely, there is a cleaner downloadable version at the link with the audio):
I. God’s Very Good Design – Man & Woman Gen 1:26-27, 31
A. Men and women equally made in God’s image
B. Men and women distinct as male and female.
C. This is the design – God’s blueprint.
Matt. 19:4-5 “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?
D. This is “very good.” (Gen. 1:31).
II. Current confusion in our culture
A. The confusion of the day
1. Some terms
a. Sex – biological and physical make-up
b. Gender – our attitudes and feelings and behaviors that fit with our sex.
c. Transgender is when someone identifies or expresses a gender identity that does not match their physical / genetic sex.
2. Cultural examples of transgender issues.
Example of Family Policy Institute of Washington institute questioning students
B. How we got here
1. Fall into sin and consequences of curse.
2. Worldview Issues
a. Either Creator and Creature (Gen 1:1 & Ps. 24:1-2)
a. God is the authority
b. Source of all true knowledge (even about ourselves)
c. And Is trustworthy to do and call us to what is truly best for us.
b. Or, we are
a. the authority
b. and source of knowledge
c. and trustworthy guides who to what is best for us.
3. Cultural climate (Adapted from Andrew Walker, God and The Transgender Debate, pg. 21-26)
a. Relativism Meaning and truth are relative
b. Radical Individualism Downstream from relativism. It says “everyone gets to write their own script.”
c. Sexual revolution
a. If it feels good do it…our bodies are our own and for us to enjoy in whatever way we want.
b. Assumption that sexual freedom is the highest of all freedoms and the only path to true fulfillment.
d. Gnosticism Idea that material world is bad (or unreliable) and what really is important is the spiritual
4. The 2 unforgivable sins in our culture then are
a. First to judge someone else (say they are wrong).
b. Second to fail to fulfill your desires.
III. How Should We Respond to the Confusion?
A. Speak the truth, and live the truth
1. The truth is God has called our sex and the corresponding maleness or femaleness as “very good” in Genesis 1:31.
a. “Our identity as man or woman is not the result of a biological accident. The doctor at our birth does not impose it on us. It is not foisted upon us by our society’s social expectations, moral habits, and cultural meanings. Our identity as a man or woman is who we are .” (Mohler, We cannot be Silent, pg. 79)
2. Is it loving to affirm every self-perception someone has as accurate and true even if it is clearly not?
a. What about someone who is anorexic because they believe they are overweight (when they really are thin and starving themselves)?
b. They need compassion and help which requires the truth.
B. Love others – “Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy”
C. Avoid stereotypes of manhood and womanhood; instead, emphasize the biblical picture
D. The Gospel