At 16 weeks, the baby was diagnosed with a tumor that was going to kill her in the womb. Doctors told the mother to have an abortion. Instead, she decided to let doctor's perform fetal surgery. At 23 weeks of the pregnancy, the doctors removed the baby completely from the womb, removed the tumor, and placed the baby back in the uterus. At 36 weeks, baby LynLee was born.
A Question
Denny Burk offers some thoughtful questions regarding the issue of abortion.
LynLee’s case raises an interesting question. Could she have been aborted after being returned to her mother’s womb? There is obviously both a legal and moral dimension to this question. Under normal circumstances in the U.S. once a person is born, they are considered a “person” under the law and are entitled to all the protections of every other citizen. Would this baby fit that criterion? Would this baby lose that status of personhood once reentering the womb?
If the baby loses that status, why? If the baby retains that status, then what is the moral difference between the 23 week Lynlee Boemer in the womb for the second time and any other 23 week baby in the womb for the first time?I believe the answer for those who will defend abortion at any cost is that the difference is found in whether or not the mother wants her to be a person who will live.
We must not be silent on these issues. The logic of abortion on demand is flawed and dehumanizing. I would love to see a reporter ask our political leaders and judicial leaders to answer the questions posed by Burk.
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