Saturday, September 26, 2015

Praying for Life: A Suggested Prayer List

When it comes to the issue of abortion, we must not grow weary in sustained and frequent prayer. In an effort to help you think about different things to pray, I composed a list of 28 different prayer requests (the dark bullet points).* You might consider praying one request each day for a month and then starting the list over.  I encourage you to look up and use the verses (where listed) to help you pray.


  • God's mighty works of salvation- throughout history and among us
  • The end of "legal" slavery in the West
  • That we can legally resist abortion, and use our voice to publicly speak against our government
  • For so many Pregnancy Centers caring for women (2,200 in the US now)

For Christians

  • More Christians to be involved in adoption and fostering (James 1:27), specifically:[1]
    • More couples willing to adopt special needs children
    • More couples from diverse ethnic backgrounds adopting
  • Continued and greater compassion of the church for women tempted to have abortions
  • To be bold with the gospel and clear on moral issues (1 Pet. 4:16)
  • To love their neighbors (born and unborn) in deed and not merely word
  • For some to take on vocations in law, government, and medical research in order to love their unborn neighbors
  • To take their stewardship of voting seriously, especially electing those who see the sanctity of life (Psalm 94:20)
  • Willingness to sacrifice comfort and ease for the physical life of babies and eternal life of many (Luke 10:25-37 – the good Samaritan)

Government (Psalm 82)

  • President Obama and Pro-choice lawmakers to have consciences awakened to the evil of abortion and the courage to act and end evil laws and abortion (Psalm 82)
  • Our Senators and Representatives  
    • Senator Marco Rubio to continue to be clear and articulate on the issue
    • Senator Bill Nelson and Representative Gwen Graham to see innocent lives are being taken
    • Senate investigation into Planned Parenthood would find the truth
  • Judges who will fear God and not man


  • The works of darkness may be exposed and impact the consciences of many (videos by the Center for Medical Progress would be part of this) – Ephesians 5:11
  • See the idolatry of self-autonomy, sex, and materialism behind abortion and turn to Jesus as their soul's satisfaction (2 Corinthians 4:1-6, James 4:2, James 5:1-5)
  • Revival in our nation

For those pursuing abortion

  • They would fear the Lord and turn away from the evil of abortion
  • They would know the mercy of God that keeps their hearts beating even while they contemplate stopping the heart of another (Matt. 5:45b, Rom. 2:4)
  • That they would listen to God's wisdom and not that which promotes death (Prov. 1:18-23)
  • For fathers and other family members to defend the life of the baby

Convert the owners, doctors and nurses involved in abortion and close down abortion clinics

  • Repent of committing and/or facilitating in murder (Luke 23:42)
  • That they would see the good deeds of Christians and hear the gospel and glorify our Father in heaven with deeds in keeping with repentance (1 Pet. 2:12, Luke 3:8)
  • Conversion of Stephen - the abortion doctor at "North Florida Women's Services" in Tallahassee (2 Corinthians 4:1-6)
  • Conversion of Cecile Richardson- president of Planned Parenthood Federation (2 Cor. 4:1-6)
  • The following to promote families rather than destroy them
    • Planned Parenthood of South, East, and North Florida
    • Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida
    • North Florida Women's Services in Tallahassee
  • And end to the over 50,000,000 abortions performed worldwide each YEAR
  • That God would be praised for bringing an end to abortion in our state, nation and world

[1] This comes from a Christian pregnancy / adoption center I spoke with. 
* Note, several of the requests are specific to Florida and Tallahassee. 

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