Friday, August 28, 2015

Facing Intellectual Challenges to Christianity in the College Classroom

A short (6 minute) video on how to face intellectual challenges to Christianity you might face in the college classroom.

How to Survive World Religions 101 from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

Here is a summary of his five points (you should still watch it):

  1. Come with realistic expectations- many assume that "if it is true then most people will believe it," but that is not the case.
  2. Professors aren't neutral- they have a worldview
  3. There are answers to your questions- don't confuse your lack of having an answer with there not being an answer. The objections you are hearing are not new, and there are those who have given answers.
  4. Don't see opposition as a curse, but as a blessing- It can push you deeper and help you grow.
  5. Don't face these challenges alone- be part of a healthy church and, if possible, a good campus ministry.

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