The Washington Post, reporting on the story, said,
"Colorado officials say a suburban Colorado Springs school district discriminated against a 6-year-old transgender girl by preventing her from using the girls’ bathroom, in what advocates described as the first such ruling in the next frontier in civil rights."1Notice how the media seems to give approval to the whole thing by referring to Coy (the little boy) with feminine nouns and pronouns. And what is shocking is that they might be right in saying this is "the first such ruling in the next frontier of civil rights."
All of a sudden, a self-defined orientation is now the basis of determining minority status and "civil rights." What happens when a high school boy self-identifies as a girl and demands civil right protection to use the girl's restroom or locker room (this isn't hypothetical, if you read the article above, Maine is considering a case now)? I think we can all see the chaos that comes with such arguments. Nevertheless, the arguments have been made as we continue to live in the "wild west of sexual ethics."
Sometimes a slippery slope argument is a fallacy. Sometimes its really a slippery slope we are sliding down. I hope and pray we find a way to stop the landslide, but I am not worried.
Christianity has never been tied to a culture. And as our culture becomes more and more dark and confused, we have the chance to put the Light of the World on display. We may face more persecution, but we must love those who would hate us, and that takes a lot more courage than our culture's current (mis)understanding of "tolerance" (see DA Carson on this topic of tolerance).
1 Washington Post Article - "Colo. rights case ruling favors transgender girl who wasn’t allowed to use girls’ bathroom"
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