Piper points out that we, as Christians, must be aware of two things in the arguments being put forth:
- The absolutizing of self-defined, self-determining happiness. This is the idea that a person's definition of what happiness entails is absolute and cannot be questioned, even if it is opposite to what God says brings true happiness and flourishing.1
- The use of general biblical themes (like love and compassion) to negate specific biblical commands (against sinful behaviors like homosexuality). 2
Take note of these and listen for them in the arguments you hear from those who would claim to be upholding the Bible and, at the same time, promoting so called "same sex marriage."
In his Op Ed, Rob Portman says,
1As we strive as a nation to form a more perfect union, I believe all of our sons and daughters ought to have the same opportunity to experience the joy and stability of marriage.
2 "I wrestled with how to reconcile my Christian faith with my desire for Will to have the same opportunities to pursue happiness and fulfillment as his brother and sister. Ultimately, it came down to the Bible’s overarching themes of love and compassion and my belief that we are all children of God."
Ignoring the definition of the relationship people call, "marriage," that God gives us in Genesis 2, let's ask, "What is love?" See John 15:12-14.
ReplyDeleteWhat is love in the marriage context? See Ephesians 5:25. The responsibilities a husband has for his wife are very great.
(side note: Ephesians 5:31 repeats Genesis 2.)
Where does happiness come from? John 6: Jesus tells us that we will no longer hunger spiritually if we go to Him. Matthew 11:28-30: Jesus tells us we will find rest with Him.
God demands we love Him (as defined above) more than any other person: Luke 11:26.
Trust me when I say that if you really do love Him more than anyone else, He will provide you with a happiness that causes you to shake your head at any other attempt people make. That is why a relationship with Him is better than a marriage or a friendship or whatever!
There are many more examples in the Old and New testaments that repeat these truths, but I have provided these few examples to qualify this post.