Near the end of the article, Dr. Mohler address the common exceptions many pro-life candidates argue for. It is a brief and helpful treatment of the topic and one which we should all think through.
The three exceptions most often proposed call for abortion to be allowed only in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. These are the exceptions currently affirmed by Mitt Romney in his presidential campaign. What should we think of these?
First, when speaking of saving the life of the mother, we should be clear that the abortion of her unborn child cannot be the intentional result. There can be no active intention to kill the baby. This does not mean that a mother might, in very rare and always tragic circumstances, require a medical procedure or treatment to save her life that would, as a secondary effect, terminate the life of her unborn child. This is clearly established in moral theory, and we must be thankful that such cases are very rare.
Next, when speaking of cases involving rape and incest, we must affirm the sinful tragedy of such acts and sympathize without reservation with the victims. We must then make the argument that the unborn child that has resulted from such a heinous act should not be added to the list of victims. That child possesses no less dignity than a child conceived in any other context.
How should we think of these questions in light of our current cultural and political context? We must contend for the full dignity and humanity of every single human life at every point of development and life from conception until natural death, and we cannot rest from this cause so long as the threat to the dignity and sanctity of any life remains.
In the meantime, we are informed by the fact that, as the Gallup organization affirmed just months ago, the vast majority of Americans are willing to support increased restrictions on abortion so long as those exceptions are allowed. We should gladly accept and eagerly support such laws and the candidates who support them, knowing that such a law would save the life of over a million unborn children in the nation each year.
Can we be satisfied with such a law? Of course not, and we cannot be disingenuous in our public statements. But we can eagerly support a law that would save the vast majority of unborn children now threatened by abortion, even as we seek to convince our fellow Americans that this is not enough.
We must argue for the dignity, humanity, and right to life of every unborn child, regardless of the context of its conception, but we must argue well and make our arguments carefully....
ReplyDeleteI must rebuke this answer.
We cannot condone preborn baby murder at any time.
Stand for life unashamedly, narrow is the path to right standing with YHVH.
Go ahead and look up the case
Natural Right to Life Initiative
You will see truth uncompromising
Stand for the truth and it will support you
DeleteThanks for your comment and desire to stand for the truth. I am wondering if there has been a miscommunication here. I agree with your statement that we cannot condone murdering babies. That was the point of this post and Dr. Mohler's quotation. Your comment makes it sound like that is not what you got from reading this post however. Please let me know if I can clarify anything for you. I think we are saying the same thing.