We have moved into the a portion of Romans that becomes explicitly practical (beginning in Romans 12). In light of all the mercy we have received (1-11), we are to go and show mercy (12-16). Some people just want to discuss doctrine but never think about how it is applied. This section reminds us that theology is meant to impact our everyday lives.
Rod spent the last two weeks on Romans 12:1-2. God didn't save you or me so we could just continue living for ourselves. That was the root of our original problem. He came to free us from that. We are called to not be "conformed" but to be "transformed." In other words, don't let the world squeeze you into its mold, but let your new nature be expressed in your body. This really happens by the renewing of our minds. So Christianity isn't just a way to modify behavior. We must start with our minds, what we are thinking and wanting, if we are to ever see true transformation in our lives.
What areas of thinking in your life need to be changed? To figure it out, ask," where am I being conformed to the image of the world and not transformed by Christ?"
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