Dobbs, June 24, 2022.
We will remember that name and date for a long time. In the Dobbs case, the Supreme Court corrected the grave and unconstitutional injustice of legislating abortion from the bench. On June 24, 2022, the Court returned the issue to the people and our elected representatives.
This means that Dobbs is something we must celebrate.
As those who believe God is the source of all morality, we must celebrate what he says is good and right. God has made every person (regardless of his or her size, location, level of development, or degree of dependency) in his image. Thus, we must celebrate laws that protect innocent life and rulings like Dobbs. The Dobbs case now allows us to argue for such laws without them being immediately overruled.
This means that Dobbs is not the end. It is the beginning.
It is like D-day in WWII. It opened up the battlefront and allied advance. But, it was not VE-day that marked the end of the war. Victory required much more fighting. So, we must now engage even more than ever in persuading our neighbors, ministering to those contemplating abortion, and calling on our legislators to pass laws to protect the most vulnerable class of people. We have been doing that, and now we engage in it with greater urgency because there is greater opportunity.
Here are a few resources that I encourage you to take advantage of (they are free).
- Scott Klusendorf's book The Case for Life (note there are many other articles and resources available at that link too).
- Scott Klusendor's Article "How to Defend Your Prolife Views in 5 Minutes"
- RC Sproul's book Abortion: A rational look at an emotional issue