Each stage of life has unique opportunities and challenges. Our fallen human nature often leads us to always look forward or backward rather than to enjoy and use what we have in the here and now. Your college or young adult years are no exception.
Wise is the person who takes stock in each season of life. Evaluating the opportunities and adjusting things in your life to accommodate new responsibilities is essential but often overlooked. If you don't evaluate how to play to each season's opportunities and responsibilities, you will likely look back with extra regret as you get older.
These are the years in which your ability to think and reason is blooming. Your body is usually healthy and full of energy (despite how tired you often are). Your schedule is full, but you have fewer responsibilities than you will have in the future if you get married and have kids. You likely have a broader array of relationships through your connections at school, work, and social engagements. The question is, how can you maximize the opportunities you have to foster your own growth in Christ, the good of the church family, and the good of unsaved neighbors.
So, I want to spend a few posts on this topic. I specifically want to encourage you to think of the opportunities you have in the areas of (1) evangelism, (2) discipleship, and (3) spiritual growth. Take some time to think of your unique opportunities in your current stage of life (this exercise works well no matter what stage you are at).