Here are the myths he tackles (you should read the article for the answers):
- Myth #1: Christian pro-lifers impose religious arguments on a pluralistic society and thus violate the separation of church and state.
- Myth #2: Men have no moral authority to speak on abortion.
- Myth #3: The only way to end abortion is to preach the gospel because outside of Jesus, pro-life arguments make no sense to unbelievers.
- Myth #4: Pro-life advocates must take on a broader “whole life” agenda to legitimize their efforts.
- Myth #5: The call of the church is not social issues like abortion, but discipleship.
If anyone is willing to read his book, Stand for Life: A Students Guide for Making the Case, Saving Lives let me know and I'll get you a free copy (the catch is you have to agree to read it within the next 30 days).