How might future generations reflect on ours when it comes to the issue of abortion? I don't know the immediate future. I know that ultimately God is our judge, and, so, we must fear him and not what others think. Popular opinion in our generation or future generations is not our benchmark. That being said, I found this quote from Frederica Matthewes - Green to be thought provoking.
The pro-life cause is perennially unpopular, and pro-lifers get used to being misrepresented and wrongly accused. There are only a limited number of people who are going to be brave enough to stand up on the side of an unpopular cause. But sometimes a cause is so urgent, is so dramatically clear, that it’s worth it. What cause could be more outrageous than violence — fatal violence — against the most helpless members of our human community? If that doesn’t move us, how hard are our hearts? If that doesn’t move us, what will ever move us?
In time, it’s going to be impossible to deny that abortion is violence against children. Future generations, as they look back, are not necessarily going to go easy on ours. Our bland acceptance of abortion is not going to look like an understandable goof. In fact, the kind of hatred that people now level at Nazis and slave-owners may well fall upon our era. Future generations can accurately say, “It’s not like they didn’t know.” They can say, “After all, they had sonograms.” They may consider this bloodshed to be a form of genocide. They might judge our generation to be monsters.
One day, the tide is going to turn. With that Supreme Court decision 43 years ago, one of the sides in the abortion debate won the day. But sooner or later, that day will end. No generation can rule from the grave. The time is coming when a younger generation will sit in judgment of ours. And they are not obligated to be kind.The quote is from an article published at the National Review on January 22, 2016. It is entitled "Roe v. Wade -- Abortion Won the Day, but Sooner or Later That Day Will End." I came across it while listening to a Gospel Coalition Podcast message by Justin Taylor entitled How Should we Think about Abortion?