Couple that with the fact that the Bible reminds us that the Word of God is what we and our friends need to hear if we would be saved and grow in godliness (1 Thessalonians 2:13-16, 2 Tim. 3:16, Heb. 4:12, Psalm 19, Rom 1:16, Romans 10).
In light of all this, let me encourage you to invite a friend (especially an unbelieving friend) to read through a Gospel with you to see who Jesus is for themselves. You might be surprised how many would not be willing to come to church but who would like to sit and read through a Gospel with a friend.
Here are two resources to help you get started.
- One to One Bible Reading: a simple guide for every Christian. You can see the table of contents here. You can buy it form amazon here. It is a short book and very helpful.
- Christianity Explained is a 6 meeting study that goes through parts of Mark's Gospel to show who Jesus claimed to be, what he did, and the message of salvation. I have used this with several people and found it helpful. I have a copy of you want to look at it. You can see more info here.