We live in a day when doctrine is often downplayed. A false spirituality seems to be all too common, even among many well meaning Christians (spirituality in our culture is often a synonym for sincere or strong feelings about some spiritual things). Doctrine matters, and our eternal life depends on having right doctrine.
I talked to a man the other day who told me he knew he was going to be with Jesus when he died because he has been a pretty good person. Just because he mentioned Jesus, does not mean he knows the true Jesus. Let's not assume everyone who "likes Jesus" actually knows him in a saving way.
Kevin DeYoung has a good,
short article on the importance of doctrine. I suggest you take a minute to read it over. Here is a good quote:
Let us not send people into the world with merely a vague notion that Jesus saves without teaching them particulars about the Jesus who does save. Jesus is a Savior for every kind of person, but not every kind of Jesus saves.