Monday, February 25, 2013

Missions is Not Merely about Sending People

Here is a statement that is so important for our understanding of missions. This is from HeartCry Missionary Society:

Missions is not about merely  sending people to the foreign field- the Peace Corps can do that! Missions is about communicating God's truth to the world. It is a doctrinal or theological endeavor...

Statements like that are why I love the fact that our church supports HeartCry. I love reading their magazine which gives updates of the mission work they are supporting around the globe. If you have never heard of them, you should take some time to check out their website and their magazine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Beards of Ministry

Thought this was a "helpful" taxonomy to help us understanding the different types of beards we've been seeing in ministry these days....or at Bible study for that matter.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

God Saves People for His Own Name's Sake

Ultimately, God saves his people for his own name's sake. Some people do not like the sound of that; but what should God value more highly than himself? What has more worth than God? For you or me to regard ourselves as the center of the world would be egotistical to the point of being delusional, not to mention rebellious against God. But for God to regard himself supremely is no more wrong than for the sun to be at the center of the solar system. Our own planet could never occupy the sun's role at the center of the solar system. It does not have the gravity for that. God is the Creator of all! He must be supreme to us and himself. Apart from the exercise of his sovereign rule in creating and judging- in holiness and love, in righteousness and compassion- the world becomes a cruelly hollow place. (Dever, The Message of the Old Testament, pg. 715).

Question and Comment Evaluation Chart

Contrary to popular folklore, there is such a thing as a bad question. Dr. Randy Stinson, at Southern Seminary, has a great flow chart to help you avoid asking such questions. Share it with your friends- "Friends don't let friends ask bad questions." You can download it here.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"So What if Abortion Ends a Life? Rare Candor from the Culture of Death"

Al Mohler has a must read article entitled, "So What if Abortion Ends a Life? Rare Candor from the Culture of Death". He cites an article written by "pro-abortion" (intentionally not "pro-choice") Mary Elizabeth Williams. Williams says, 
“When we on the pro-choice side get cagey around the life question, it makes us illogically contradictory. I have friends who have referred to their abortions in terms of “scraping out a bunch of cells” and then a few years later were exultant over the pregnancies that they unhesitatingly described in terms of “the baby” and “this kid.” I know women who have been relieved at their abortions and grieved over their miscarriages. Why can’t we agree that how they felt about their pregnancies was vastly different, but that it’s pretty silly to pretend that what was growing inside of them wasn’t the same? Fetuses aren’t selective like that. They don’t qualify as human life only if they’re intended to be born.”
This rare candor might be encouraging if she went on to say, "therefore abortion is not morally right."  However, she goes on to say,
“Here’s the complicated reality in which we live: All life is not equal. That’s a difficult thing for liberals like me to talk about, lest we wind up looking like death-panel-loving, kill-your-grandma-and-your-precious-baby storm troopers. Yet a fetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose body it resides. She’s the boss. Her life and what is right for her circumstances and her health should automatically trump the rights of the non-autonomous entity inside of her. Always.”
All life is not equal?! The intellectual honesty is of her argument is commendable, and the conclusion is nothing short of horrific. May God give us courage to fight for the weakest among us and to give a voice to those who have none.